Describe the media type of a Gst::Pad.
Inherits from: Gst::Object .
Included in: Gst .
Index: caps direction each_caps has_caps? name presence
Instance methods | |
caps | caps -> anArray |
Gets the capabilities of the pad template element, in an array of Gst::Caps object. | |
direction | direction -> aFixnum |
Gets direction: | |
each_caps | each_caps { |aCapsObject| block } -> nil |
Calls the block for each capability of the pad template, passing a reference to the Gst::Caps object as parameter. | |
has_caps? | has_caps? -> aBoolean |
Checks if the pad template has capabilities. | |
name | name -> aString |
Gets the name of the pad template. This overrides Gst::Object#get_name. | |
presence | presence -> aFixnum |
Gets presence: |