Class Gst::Pad


The link between Gst::Element objects.

Inherits from: Gst::Object .

Included in: Gst .

Index: DIRECTION_SINK DIRECTION_SRC DIRECTION_UNKNOWN FLAG_DISABLED FLAG_NEGOTIATING PRESENCE_ALWAYS PRESENCE_REQUEST PRESENCE_SOMETIMES direction disabled? each_event_mask each_format each_query_type event_masks formats negotiating? pad_template provides_event_masks? provides_formats? provides_query_types? query_types

Instance methods
directiondirection -> aFixnum

Gets the pad's direction.

disabled?disabled? -> aBoolean

Checks if the FLAG_DISABLED flag is set on the object.

each_event_maskeach_event_mask -> nil

Not yet implemented.

each_formateach_format { |aFormatObject| block } -> nil

Calls the block for each supported format from the pad, passing a reference to the Gst::Format object as parameter.

each_query_typeeach_query_type { |aQueryTypeObject| block } -> nil

Calls the block for each supported query from the pad, passing a reference to the Gst::QueryType object as parameter.

event_masksevent_masks -> nil

Not yet implemented.

formatsformats -> anArray

Gets the list of supported formats from the pad, in an array of Gst::Format objects.

negotiating?negotiating? -> aBoolean

Checks if the FLAG_NEGOTIATING flag is set on the object.

pad_templatepad_template -> aPadTemplate

Gets the Gst::PadTemplate object of this pad.

provides_event_masks?provides_event_masks? -> aBoolean

Checks if the pad supports event masks not handled by the default event masks dispatcher.

provides_formats?provides_formats? -> aBoolean

Checks if the pad supports formats not handled by the default format dispatcher.

provides_query_types?provides_query_types? -> aBoolean

Checks if the pad supports query types not handled by the default query types dispatcher.

query_typesquery_types -> anArray

Gets a list of supported queries that can be performed on the pad, in an array of Gst::QueryType objects.


The pad is a sink pad.


The pad is a source pad.


Direction is unknown.


The pad is disabled.


The pad is currently negotiating with another pad.


The pad is always available.


The pad is only available on request with Gst::Element#request_pad_by_name or or Gst::Element#request_compatible_pad.


The pad will become available depending on the media stream.