Module Gst


The GStreamer module.

Index: has_threads? init set_debug use_threads version

has_threads?has_threads? -> aBoolean

Query if GStreamer has threads enabled.

initinit(*args) -> true

Initializes the GStreamer library (using *args), setting up internal path lists, registering built-in elements, and loading standard plugins.

If *args are ommited, GStreamer will be initialized using arguments from the Ruby command line.

This function will always return 'true'. A RuntimeError exception will be raised if GStreamer could not be initialized.

set_debugset_debug(aBoolean) -> nil

Enable or disable debug mode, according to the provided parameter. When debug mode is on, Ruby/GStreamer will print various information on the screen (as instance, when the GC cames), useful to trace and fix bugs.

use_threadsuse_threads(aBoolean) -> aBoolean

Instructs the core to turn on/off threading.

When threading is turned off, all thread operations such as mutexes and conditionals are turned into NOPs. Use this if you want absolute minimal overhead and you don't use any threads in the pipeline.

Returns the provided boolean value.

versionversion -> anArray

Gets the version number of the GStreamer library, in an array of 3 fixnums, which represent major, minor and macro numbers.


  # Prints GStreamer version in a String 'major.minor.macro'
  p Gst.version.join('.')