Class Gst::ElementFactory


Creates Gst::Element instances.

Inherits from: Gst::PluginFeature .

Included in: Gst .

Index: RANK_MARGINAL RANK_NONE RANK_PRIMARY RANK_SECONDARY create details each_pad_template find make pad_templates rank rank_marginal? rank_none? rank_primary? rank_secondary? to_s

Class methods
findfind(aFactoryNameString) -> aGstElementFactory

Searches for an element factory of the given name. If found, returns a Gst::ElementFactory object. Otherwise, returns nil.

makemake(aFactoryNameString, anElementNameString=nil) -> aGstElement

Creates a new Gst::Element of the type defined by the given element factory.

If element name is ommited (or nil), then the element will receive a guaranteed unique name, consisting of the element factory name and a number. If name is given, it will be given the name supplied.


  # Creates a 'mad' GStreamer element, named 'foo':
  elem1 = Gst::ElementFactory.make("mad", "foo")
  # This line does exactly the same thing:
  elem2 = Gst::ElementFactory.find("mad").create("foo")

Instance methods
createcreate(anElementNameString=nil) -> aGstElement

Creates a new element of the type defined by the element factory.

If element name is ommited (or nil), then the element will receive a guaranteed unique name, consisting of the element factory name and a number. If name is given, it will be given the name supplied.

detailsdetails -> aHash

Gets some public information about the factory, mostly for the benefit of editors.

This information is encapsulated in a Hash object, with the following (String) keys:

  • longname: long (English) element name.

  • klass: type of element, as hierarchy.

  • license: license under which the element is provided.

  • description: a short description about the element.

  • version: version of the element.

  • author: some information about the author(s).

  • copyright: some copyright details (year, etc..).


  # Prints all details related to the 'mad' element:
  Gst::ElementFactory.find("mad").details do |k, v| 
      p "#{k}: #{v}"
each_pad_templateeach_pad_template { |aPadTemplateObject| block } -> nil

Calls the block for each pad template of the factory, passing a reference to the Gst::PadTemplate as parameter.

pad_templatespad_templates -> anArray

Requests all pad templates of factory, in an array of Gst::PadTemplate objects.

rankrank -> aFixnum

Gets the rank of the factory:

rank_marginal?rank_marginal? -> aBoolean

Checks if the rank of the factory equals RANK_MARGINAL.

rank_none?rank_none? -> aBoolean

Checks if the rank of the factory equals RANK_NONE.

rank_primary?rank_primary? -> aBoolean

Checks if the rank of the factory equals RANK_PRIMARY.

rank_secondary?rank_secondary? -> aBoolean

Checks if the rank of the factory equals RANK_SECONDARY.

to_sto_s -> aString

Gets a string representing the factory.


The element is only marginally usefull for autoplugging.


The plugin may not be used in autoplugging.


The plugin is well suited for autoplugging.


The plugin is suited for autoplugging but only as a second candidate.