1 API documentation
All QtLua libray symbols are located in the QtLua namespace.
Modules list
Name | Description |
Base | Lua base classes |
Container proxies | Lua / Qt containers wrapper classes |
Model/View | Lua / Qt model view hierarchic data structure classes |
QObject wrapping | QObject meta wrapper classes (internal) |
Classes list
Base module
Name | Description |
Console | Qt console widget |
DispatchProxy | Expose multiple UserData objects as a single composite object. |
Function | Functions like objects base class |
Iterator | Lua iterator base class |
ValueBase::List | List of Value objects used for arguments and return values. |
MetaType | Register Lua to Qt meta types conversion functions |
Plugin | QtLua plugin class |
PluginInterface | QtLua plugin interface |
DispatchProxy::ProxyIterator | |
Ref | Smart pointer with reference counter. |
Refobj | Referenced objects template base class |
State | Lua interpreter state wrapper class |
String | Character string class |
DispatchProxy::Target | |
UserData | Lua userdata objects base class |
UserObject | Lua userdata objects with properties |
Value | Lua values wrapper class |
ValueRef | Lua value reference object class |
ValueBase::const_iterator | Value const iterator class. |
ValueBase::iterator | Value iterator class. |
Plugin::Loader | Ref counted plugin loader object (internal) |
QMetaValue | Qt/lua value conversion (internal) |
RefobjBase | Referenced objects base class (internal) |
TableIterator | Lua table iterator class (internal) |
UserObject::UserObjectIterator | (internal) |
ValueBase | Lua values wrapper base class (internal) |
ValueBase::iterator_ | Value iterator base class (internal) |
Model/View module
Name | Description |
UserItemModel::ItemQMimeData | |
ItemViewDialog | Qt Model/View dialog |
LuaModel | Qt Model/View lua model wrapper |
TableGridModel | Qt Model/View lua table grid model class |
TableTreeModel | Qt Model/View lua table model class |
UserItem | Qt Model/View item class |
UserItemModel | Qt Model/View userdata items based model |
UserItemSelectionModel | Qt Model/View exclusive selection model class |
UserListItem | Qt Model/View list item class |
ListIterator | Qt Model/View list item iterator class (internal) |
TableTreeKeys | Qt Model/View lua table internal state class (internal) |
Container proxies module
Name | Description |
ArrayProxy | C array access wrapper for lua script |
ArrayProxyRo | C array read only access wrapper for lua script |
QHashProxy | QHash and QMap access wrapper for lua script |
QHashProxyRo | QHash and QMap read only access wrapper for lua script |
QLinkedListProxy | QLinkedList access wrapper for lua script |
QListProxy | QList access wrapper for lua script |
QListProxyRo | QList read only access wrapper for lua script |
QVectorProxy | QVector access wrapper for lua script |
QVectorProxyRo | QVector read only access wrapper for lua script |
QHashProxyRo::ProxyIterator | QHashProxyRo iterator class (internal) |
QVectorProxyRo::ProxyIterator | QVectorProxyRo iterator class (internal) |
QListProxyRo::ProxyIterator | QListProxyRo iterator class (internal) |
QLinkedListProxy::ProxyIterator | QLinkedListProxy iterator class (internal) |
ArrayProxyRo::ProxyIterator | ArrayProxyRo iterator class (internal) |
QHashProxyKeytype | (internal) |
QHashProxyKeytype<String> | (internal) |
QObject wrapping module
Name | Description |
Enum | Qt enum wrapper class (internal) |
EnumIterator | Qt enum iterator class (internal) |
Member | Qt meta member wrappers class (internal) |
MetaCache | Cache of existing Qt meta member wrappers (internal) |
Method | Qt method wrapper class (internal) |
Property | Qt property wrapper class (internal) |
QMetaObjectWrapper | QMetaObject wrapper class (internal) |
QObjectIterator | Lua QObject children and meta members iterator class (internal) |
QObjectWrapper | QObject wrapper class (internal) |