ValueBase::iterator struct reference
[Base module]






#include <QtLua/Value>

namespace QtLua {
class ValueBase {
struct iterator;

This struct is a member of the ValueBase class.

This struct is declared in QtLua/qtluavaluebase.hh source file, line 112.


This iterator class allows iteration through table like lua values directly from C++ code. Assignation of ValueRef object returned by ValueBase::iterator::value modify traversed container.

// code from examples/cpp/value/

// Modify lua table from C++ code
for (QtLua::Value::iterator i = table.begin(); i != table.end(); i++)
i.value() = QtLua::Value(&state, "foo");

See also ValueBase::const_iterator struct and Iterator class.


Inherited members  

  • 9 members inherited from ValueBase::iterator_


Members detail  


This constructor is declared in QtLua/qtluavaluebase.hh source file, line 116.

Create an uninitialized ValueBase::iterator.

iterator(const Ref<Iterator> &i)  

This constructor is for internal use only.

This constructor is declared in QtLua/qtluavaluebase.hh source file, line 114.

ValueRef operator*()  

This function is declared in QtLua/qtluavaluebase.hh source file, line 120.

See also ValueBase::iterator::value function.

ValueRef value()  

This function is declared in QtLua/qtluavaluebase.hh source file, line 118.

Get modifiable reference to current entry value.

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