DispatchProxy::ProxyIterator class reference
[Base module]











#include <QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh>

namespace QtLua {
class DispatchProxy {
class ProxyIterator;

This class is a member of the DispatchProxy class.

This class is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 204.

This member access is private.


Inherited members  

Private functions  

Private fields  

Members detail  

ProxyIterator(State *ls, const DispatchProxy &dp)  

This constructor is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 207.

This member access is private.

This variable is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 219.

This member access is private.

This variable is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 217.

This member access is private.

int _index  

This variable is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 218.

This member access is private.

bool _more()  

This function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 209.

This member access is private.

This variable is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 216.

This member access is private.

virtual Value get_key() const  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 212.

This member access is private.

This virtual function implements the get_key pure function declared in the Iterator base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

The return value is current entry key

virtual Value get_value() const  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 213.

This member access is private.

This virtual function implements the get_value pure function declared in the Iterator base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

The return value is current entry value

virtual ValueRef get_value_ref()  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 214.

This member access is private.

This virtual function implements the get_value_ref pure function declared in the Iterator base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

The return value is reference to current entry value

virtual bool more() const  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 210.

This member access is private.

This virtual function implements the more pure function declared in the Iterator base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

The return value is true if more entries are available.

virtual void next()  

This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluadispatchproxy.hh source file, line 211.

This member access is private.

This virtual function implements the next pure function declared in the Iterator base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Jump to next entry.

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