QtLua namespace reference
- template class ArrayProxy
- template class ArrayProxyRo
- class Console
- class DispatchProxy
- class Function
- class ItemViewDialog
- class Iterator
- enum Library
- class LuaModel
- template class MetaType
- class Plugin
- class PluginInterface
- template class PoolArray
- template class QHashProxy
- template class QHashProxyRo
- template class QLinkedListProxy
- template class QListProxy
- template class QListProxyRo
- template class QVectorProxy
- template class QVectorProxyRo
- template class Ref
- template class Refobj
- class State
- class String
- class TableGridModel
- class TableTreeModel
- class UserData
- class UserItem
- class UserItemModel
- class UserItemSelectionModel
- class UserListItem
- template class UserObject
- class Value
- class ValueRef
- typedef [...] member_cache_t
- typedef [...] meta_cache_t
- struct meta_object_table_s
- class Enum
- class EnumIterator
- class ListIterator
- class Member
- class MetaCache
- class Method
- class Property
- template struct QHashProxyKeytype
- template struct QHashProxyKeytype<String>
- class QMetaObjectWrapper
- class QMetaValue
- class QObjectIterator
- class QObjectWrapper
- class RefobjBase
- class TableIterator
- class TableTreeKeys
- class ValueBase
- typedef [...] metatype_map_t
- typedef [...] metatype_void_t
- typedef [...] plugin_map_t
- typedef [...] *qobject_creator
- typedef [...] wrapper_hash_t
- QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const ValueBase &c)
- template QObject * create_qobject()
- uint qHash(const Value &lv)
- void qtlib_register_meta(const QMetaObject *mo, qobject_creator *creator)
- const meta_object_table_s meta_object_table[]
- metatype_map_t types_map
Members detail
This enum is declared in QtLua/qtluastate.hh source file, line 58.
Specify lua standard libraries and QtLua lua libraries to load with the State::openlib function.
Identifier | Value | Description |
BaseLib | 0 | standard lua base library |
CoroutineLib | 1 | standard lua coroutine library, included in base before lua 5.2 |
PackageLib | 2 | standard lua package library |
StringLib | 3 | standard lua string library |
TableLib | 4 | standard lua table library |
MathLib | 5 | standard lua math library |
IoLib | 6 | standard lua io library |
OsLib | 7 | standard lua os library |
DebugLib | 8 | standard lua debug library |
Bit32Lib | 9 | standard lua bit library |
JitLib | 10 | luajit jit library |
FfiLib | 11 | luajit ffi library |
QtLuaLib | 12 | lua library with base functions, see the Predefined lua functions section. |
QtLib | 13 | lua library with wrapped Qt functions, see the Qt related functions section. |
AllLibs | 14 | All libraries wildcard |
This typedef is declared in internal/qtluametacache.hh source file, line 35.
typedef QHash<const QMetaObject*, MetaCache> meta_cache_t
This typedef is declared in internal/qtluametacache.hh source file, line 36.
This struct is declared in internal/qtluaqmetaobjectwrapper.hh source file, line 32.
Field | Description |
const QMetaObject *_mo; | |
qobject_creator *_creator; |
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const ValueBase &c)
This function is declared in QtLua/qtluavaluebase.hh source file, line 584.
template <typename QObject_T> QObject * create_qobject()
This template function is for internal use only.
This template function is declared in QtLua/qtluastate.hh source file, line 43.
const meta_object_table_s meta_object_table[]
This variable is for internal use only.
This variable is declared in internal/qtluaqmetaobjectwrapper.hh source file, line 40.
typedef QMap<int, metatype_void_t*> metatype_map_t
This typedef is for internal use only.
This typedef is declared in QtLua/qtluametatype.hh source file, line 43.
typedef MetaType<void> metatype_void_t
This typedef is for internal use only.
This typedef is declared in QtLua/qtluametatype.hh source file, line 41.
This typedef is for internal use only.
This typedef is declared in QtLua/qtluaplugin.hh source file, line 38.
This function is for internal use only.
This function is declared in QtLua/qtluavaluebase.hh source file, line 46.
typedef QObject *qobject_creator
This typedef is for internal use only.
This typedef is declared in QtLua/qtluastate.hh source file, line 39.
void qtlib_register_meta(const QMetaObject *mo, qobject_creator *creator)
This function is for internal use only.
This function is declared in QtLua/qtluastate.hh source file, line 46.
metatype_map_t types_map
This variable is for internal use only.
This variable is declared in QtLua/qtluametatype.hh source file, line 45.
typedef QHash<QObject*, QObjectWrapper*> wrapper_hash_t
This typedef is for internal use only.
This typedef is declared in QtLua/qtluastate.hh source file, line 53.