Class Gst::Registry


Abstract class for managing plugins.

Included in: Gst .

Index: details each each_path each_plugin find_plugin loaded? name paths plugins registries

Class methods
eacheach { |aRegistryObject| block } -> nil

Calls the block for each registries in the pool, passing a reference to the Gst::Registry as parameter.

each_plugineach_plugin { |aPlugin| block } -> nil

Calls the block for each plugin in the pool, passing a reference to the Gst::Plugin as parameter.

find_pluginfind_plugin(aNameString) -> aGstPluginObject

Find the plugin with the given name in the registry. If founds, returns a reference to the Gst::Plugin object, otherwise returns nil.

pluginsplugins -> anArray

Get a list of all plugins in the pool, in an array of Gst::Plugin objects.

registriesregistries -> anArray

Gets a list of all registries in the pool, in an Array of Gst::Registry objects.

Instance methods
detailsdetails -> aString

Gets some details about the registry. May be nil.

each_patheach_path { |aString| block } -> nil

Calls the block for each path of the registry, passing a reference to the path String as parameter.

loaded?loaded? -> aBoolean

Checks if the registry is currently loaded.

namename -> aString

Gets the name of the registry.

pathspaths -> anArray

Gets a list of paths of the registry, in an Array of String objects.