Class Gst::Plugin


Dynamically loadable Elements

Included in: Gst .

Index: == each_feature features filename loaded? longname name

Instance methods
==== anOtherPlugin -> aBoolean

Checks if two Gst::Plugin objects are refered by the same file.

each_featureeach_feature { |aPluginFeature| block } -> nil

Calls the block for each feature this plugin provides, passing a reference to the Gst::PluginFeature object as parameter.

featuresfeatures -> anArray

Get a list of all the features that this plugin provides, in an array of Gst::PluginFeature objects.

filenamefilename -> aString

Gets the file name where the plugin cames from.

loaded?loaded? -> aBoolean

Checks if the plugin is loaded into memory.

longnamelongname -> aString

Gets long name (descriptive) of the plugin.

namename -> aString

Gets (short) name of the plugin.