Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- a -
- absolute_filename : MDatabaseInfo
- active : MInputContext
- adjust_window : MDeviceDriver
- adjusted : MFLTGlyph
- advance_is_absolute : MFLTGlyphAdjustment
- align_head : MDrawControl
- allocated : MFLTGlyphString, MText
- anti_alias : MDrawControl, MGlyphString
- arg : MInputContext, MInputMethod
- as_image : MDrawControl
- ascent : MDrawGlyph, MFLTGlyph, MFrame, MGlyphString, MInputContext, MRealizedFace, MRealizedFont
- ascii_compatible : MCharset
- ascii_rface : MRealizedFace
- at_most : MConverter
- attach_count : MTextProperty
- average_width : MFrame, MRealizedFace, MRealizedFont
- macros : MInputMethodInfo
- managing_key : MSymbol
- map : MInputContextInfo
- map_window : MDeviceDriver
- maps : MInputMethodInfo
- markers : MInputContextInfo
- max_advance : MRealizedFont
- max_char : MCharset
- max_code : MCharset
- max_line_ascent : MDrawControl
- max_line_descent : MDrawControl
- max_line_width : MDrawControl