The m17n Library 1.8.4
CM17NObject | |
CM17NObjectArray | |
CM17NObjectHead | The first member of a managed object |
CM17NObjectRecord | |
CMCharset | |
CMCharsetISO2022Table | |
CMCodingInfoISO2022 | Structure for a coding system of type MCODING_TYPE_ISO_2022 |
CMCodingInfoUTF | Structure for extra information about a coding system of type MCODING_TYPE_UTF |
CMConverter | Structure to be used in code conversion |
CMDatabaseInfo | |
CMDeviceDriver | |
CMDrawControl | Type of a text drawing control |
CMDrawGlyph | Type of information about a glyph metric and font |
CMDrawGlyphInfo | Type of information about a glyph |
CMDrawMetric | Type of metric for glyphs and texts |
CMDrawPoint | |
CMDrawTextItem | Type of textitems |
CMFace | Type of faces |
CMFaceBoxProp | Type of box spec of face |
CMFaceHLineProp | Type of horizontal line spec of face |
CMFLTFont | Type of font to be used by the FLT driver |
CMFLTFontForRealized | |
CMFLTGlyph | Type of information about a glyph |
CMFLTGlyphAdjustment | Type of information about a glyph position adjustment |
CMFLTGlyphString | Type of information about a glyph sequence |
CMFLTOtfSpec | Type of specification of GSUB and GPOS OpenType tables |
CMFont | Type of fonts |
CMFontCapability | |
CMFontDriver | |
CMFontList | |
CMFontPropertyTable | |
CMFontScore | |
CMFrame | Type of frames |
CMGlyph | |
CMGlyphString | |
CMInputContext | Structure of input context |
CMInputContextInfo | |
CMInputDriver | Structure of input method driver |
CMInputGUIArgIC | Type of the argument to the function minput_create_ic() |
CMInputMethod | Structure of input method |
CMInputMethodInfo | |
CMInputXIMArgIC | Structure pointed to by the argument arg of the function minput_create_ic() |
CMInputXIMArgIM | Structure pointed to by the argument arg of the function minput_open_im() |
CMPlist | Type of property list objects |
CMRealizedFace | |
CMRealizedFont | |
CMSymbol | Type of symbols |
CMText | Type of M-texts |
CMTextProperty | Type of text properties |