The m17n Library 1.8.4
No Matches
coding.c File Reference


MSymbol mconv_define_coding (const char *name, MPlist *plist, int(*resetter)(MConverter *), int(*decoder)(const unsigned char *, int, MText *, MConverter *), int(*encoder)(MText *, int, int, unsigned char *, int, MConverter *), void *extra_info)
MSymbol mconv_resolve_coding (MSymbol symbol)
 Resolve coding system name.
int mconv_list_codings (MSymbol **symbols)
 List symbols representing coding systems.
MConvertermconv_buffer_converter (MSymbol name, const unsigned char *buf, int n)
 Create a code converter bound to a buffer.
MConvertermconv_stream_converter (MSymbol name, FILE *fp)
 Create a code converter bound to a stream.
int mconv_reset_converter (MConverter *converter)
 Reset a code converter.
void mconv_free_converter (MConverter *converter)
 Free a code converter.
MConvertermconv_rebind_buffer (MConverter *converter, const unsigned char *buf, int n)
 Bind a buffer to a code converter.
MConvertermconv_rebind_stream (MConverter *converter, FILE *fp)
 Bind a stream to a code converter.
MTextmconv_decode (MConverter *converter, MText *mt)
 Decode a byte sequence into an M-text.
MTextmconv_decode_buffer (MSymbol name, const unsigned char *buf, int n)
 Decode a buffer area based on a coding system.
MTextmconv_decode_stream (MSymbol name, FILE *fp)
 Decode a stream input based on a coding system.
int mconv_encode (MConverter *converter, MText *mt)
 Encode an M-text into a byte sequence.
int mconv_encode_range (MConverter *converter, MText *mt, int from, int to)
 Encode a part of an M-text.
int mconv_encode_buffer (MSymbol name, MText *mt, unsigned char *buf, int n)
 Encode an M-text into a buffer area.
int mconv_encode_stream (MSymbol name, MText *mt, FILE *fp)
 Encode an M-text to write to a stream.
int mconv_getc (MConverter *converter)
 Read a character via a code converter.
int mconv_ungetc (MConverter *converter, int c)
 Push a character back to a code converter.
int mconv_putc (MConverter *converter, int c)
 Write a character via a code converter.
MTextmconv_gets (MConverter *converter, MText *mt)
 Read a line using a code converter.


Variables: Symbols representing coding systems
MSymbol Mcoding_us_ascii
 Symbol for the coding system US-ASCII.
MSymbol Mcoding_iso_8859_1
 Symbol for the coding system ISO-8859-1.
MSymbol Mcoding_utf_8
 Symbol for the coding system UTF-8.
MSymbol Mcoding_utf_8_full
 Symbol for the coding system UTF-8-FULL.
MSymbol Mcoding_utf_16
 Symbol for the coding system UTF-16.
MSymbol Mcoding_utf_16be
 Symbol for the coding system UTF-16BE.
MSymbol Mcoding_utf_16le
 Symbol for the coding system UTF-16LE.
MSymbol Mcoding_utf_32
 Symbol for the coding system UTF-32.
MSymbol Mcoding_utf_32be
 Symbol for the coding system UTF-32BE.
MSymbol Mcoding_utf_32le
 Symbol for the coding system UTF-32LE.
MSymbol Mcoding_sjis
 Symbol for the coding system SJIS.
Variables: Parameter keys for mconv_define_coding(). <br>
MSymbol Mtype
MSymbol Mcharsets
MSymbol Mflags
MSymbol Mdesignation
MSymbol Minvocation
MSymbol Mcode_unit
MSymbol Mbom
MSymbol Mlittle_endian
Variables: Symbols representing coding system types. <br>
MSymbol Mutf
MSymbol Miso_2022
Variables: Symbols appearing in the value of Mflags parameter. <br>

Symbols that can be a value of the Mflags parameter of a coding system used in an argument to the mconv_define_coding() function (which see).

MSymbol Mreset_at_eol
MSymbol Mreset_at_cntl
MSymbol Meight_bit
MSymbol Mlong_form
MSymbol Mdesignation_g0
MSymbol Mdesignation_g1
MSymbol Mdesignation_ctext
MSymbol Mdesignation_ctext_ext
MSymbol Mlocking_shift
MSymbol Msingle_shift
MSymbol Msingle_shift_7
MSymbol Meuc_tw_shift
MSymbol Miso_6429
MSymbol Mrevision_number
MSymbol Mfull_support
Variables: Others

Remaining variables.

MSymbol Mmaybe
 Symbol whose name is "maybe".
MSymbol Mcoding
 The symbol Mcoding.

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