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charset.c File Reference


 Invalid code-point.


MSymbol mchar_define_charset (const char *name, MPlist *plist)
MSymbol mchar_resolve_charset (MSymbol symbol)
 Resolve charset name.
int mchar_list_charset (MSymbol **symbols)
 List symbols representing charsets.
int mchar_decode (MSymbol charset_name, unsigned code)
 Decode a code-point.
unsigned mchar_encode (MSymbol charset_name, int c)
 Encode a character code.
int mchar_map_charset (MSymbol charset_name, void(*func)(int from, int to, void *arg), void *func_arg)
 Call a function for all the characters in a specified charset.


Variables: Symbols representing a charset.

Each of the following symbols represents a predefined charset.

MSymbol Mcharset_ascii
 Symbol representing the charset ASCII.
MSymbol Mcharset_iso_8859_1
 Symbol representing the charset ISO/IEC 8859/1.
MSymbol Mcharset_unicode
 Symbol representing the charset Unicode.
MSymbol Mcharset_m17n
 Symbol representing the largest charset.
MSymbol Mcharset_binary
 Symbol representing the charset for ill-decoded characters.
Variables: Parameter keys for mchar_define_charset().

These are the predefined symbols to use as parameter keys for the function mchar_define_charset() (which see).

MSymbol Mmethod
MSymbol Mdimension
MSymbol Mmin_range
MSymbol Mmax_range
MSymbol Mmin_code
MSymbol Mmax_code
MSymbol Mascii_compatible
MSymbol Mfinal_byte
MSymbol Mrevision
MSymbol Mmin_char
MSymbol Mmapfile
MSymbol Mparents
MSymbol Msubset_offset
MSymbol Mdefine_coding
MSymbol Maliases
Variables: Symbols representing charset methods.

These are the predefined symbols that can be a value of the Mmethod parameter of a charset used in an argument to the mchar_define_charset() function.

A method specifies how code-points and character codes are converted. See the documentation of the mchar_define_charset() function for the details.

MSymbol Moffset
MSymbol Mmap
 Symbol for the map type method of charset.
MSymbol Munify
 Symbol for the unify type method of charset.
MSymbol Msubset
MSymbol Msuperset
 Symbol for the superset type method of charset.

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