Minor animals are managed globally as a part of the fauna in the considered Territory. They are modelled only as statistics: we will only speak of "snow mountains" fauna type, "swamps" fauna type, or "sable desert" fauna type, etc. the section called Remarks on the Game>
a Population type (snow mountains, swamps, sable desert, etc.)
a biomass attribute (which indicates a density of life in association with the Territory size)
a nutritive value by biomass unit
a level of health (good, disease, etc)
a dynamic description, function of previous characteristics
a Territory
The causes of evolution for a minor animal Population are:
Natural development (with sufficient resources)
Weather effect
Populations fusion
External effect (breeding, magical effect)
Disparition of biomass (predators, natural disasters, etc)
Weather effect
Pollution, unadapted environment
Competition with other Populations
Insufficient resources, territory too small
Population split
Unadaptation to the laura, the fauna, or something else.
A Population can split up when the resources necessary to its survival are not available any more (too many individuals, too few resources) and the territory cannot be enlarged any more. In this case, only one of the resulting Population stay on the Territory. In the other case (no division), the Population diminishes by lack of resources.
A nomad Population explores until it finds a convenient territory (with resources sufficient for the all or part of the Population). In the mean-time, the Population has still needs and use the resources of the territories it goes through.
A Population which biomass becomes null is destroyed. the section called Species Protection>
There is no obvious interest: small influence in the course of the game, difficulty of interpretation, highly limited game of the mud worm, etc. the section called Individualisation>
Minor animals of a Population are not individualized and consequently not named.
Some exceptions will exist in the classification of 'minor animals': clouds of insects are considered for example as a single major animal (which means an object in the implementation). In some cases, we will prefer to consider a minor animal as an individualized (major) one.
More than one Population of minor animals can coexist on the same Territory: two Population of type "savana" for example.
The instance of a minor animal Population is implemented as a single object (a single Creature), which is a statistic vision of this fauna. The evolution will be globally simulated (this implies also that a set of fauna offering the same interface is available). Summary: a Population = a Community; an Instance = a Creature.
A minor animal can exceptionnaly be individualized.
Example 1. Chlipouni
Ex.: Raoul captures an ant which was walking on his sugar breads. He decides to call it Chlipouni and keep it as a domestic animal.
Consequence : Chlipouni is removed from its Population and a new Creature is created.