Vegetal Populations

Most plants will have a passive role during the game. It is then unuseful to manage them individually. The simulation of a Vegetal Population will be preferred to a set of individualized Plants.


Example 2. Some vegetal populations

  • A luxuriant tropical forest.

  • A wheat field devastated by a storm.

  • A vine weakened by disease.


The causes of evolution for a vegetal Population are:

One of the consequences of alterations (plantations, destructions, pollution, weather, natural disaster, etc.) can be a change of vegetation type. The change can be immediate (change from a plain to a field of wheat) or slower (concurrence between a mediterranean vegetation against a vegetation "forest of leafies" and progressive victory of one against the other).

The growth of the Territory is done directly (extension toward contiguous areas). Indirect extensions cases (spores, or grains transmitted through the sea or wind) are considered as colonization and give birth further to a new Population.

A Population which biomass becomes null is destroyed. the section called Species Protection>

Plants and players

Players can NOT play plants:


It is possible to have magical plants or 'active' plants (carnivore plants notably).

It is also possible to find individualized plants, like the Kumquat Tree in Day of The Tentacle ™, the justice oak of the king Saint-Louis, a four-leaf clover or a magical ivy with a castle at its top,etc.


A vegetal Population will be represented by an object.

Summary: a Population = a Community ; an Instance = a Creature.

A special plant will be represented by an object. The different types of Vegetation will be available as classes.