Value class reference
[Base module]


#include <QtLua/Value>

namespace QtLua {
class Value;

This class is a member of the QtLua namespace.


This class exposes a lua value to C++ code. It provides conversion functions, cast operators, access operators and standard C++ iterators.

Each Value object store its associated lua value in the lua interpreter state registry table.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section, Iterator class, ValueBase::iterator struct and ValueBase::const_iterator struct.




Static functions  

Members detail  


Create a lua value object with no associated State

Value(const State *ls)  

Create a "nil" lua value.

Value(const Value &lv)  

Create a lua value copy.

Value(const State *ls, const Value &lv)  

Create a lua value copy.

Value(Value &&lv)  

Create a lua value copy.

Value(const State *ls, Value &&lv)  

Create a lua value copy.

Value(const State *ls, ValueBase::Bool n)  

Create a lua value.

Value(const State *ls, float n)  

Create a number lua value.

Value(const State *ls, double n)  

Create a number lua value.

Value(const State *ls, int n)  

Create a number lua value.

Value(const State *ls, unsigned int n)  

Create a number lua value.

Value(const State *ls, const String &str)  

Create a string lua value.

Value(const State *ls, const QString &str)  

Create a string lua value.

Value(const State *ls, const char *str)  

Create a string lua value.

Value(const State *ls, const Ref<UserData> &ud)  

Create a lua userdata value.

Value(const State *ls, UserData *ud)  

Create a lua userdata value.

Value(const State *ls, QObject *obj)  

Create a wrapped QObject lua value.

See also QObject wrapping section and Value::Value function.

Value(const State *ls, const QVariant &qv)  

Create a lua value from a QVariant object.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.

Value(State *ls, QObject *obj, bool delete_, bool reparent)  

Create a QObject lua value and update associated wrapper ownership flags for this QObject.

See also QObject wrapping section.

template <typename X> Value(const State *ls, const QList<X> &list)  

Create a lua table indexed from 1 with elements from a QList.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.

template <typename X> Value(const State *ls, QList<X> &list)  

Create a lua table indexed from 1 with elements from a QList.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.

template <typename X> Value(const State *ls, const QVector<X> &vector)  

Create a lua table indexed from 1 with elements from a QVector.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.

template <typename X> Value(const State *ls, QVector<X> &vector)  

Create a lua table indexed from 1 with elements from a QVector.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.

template <typename X> Value(const State *ls, unsigned int size, const X *array)  

Create a lua table indexed from 1 with elements from a C array.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.

template <typename Key, typename Val> Value(const State *ls, const QHash<Key, Val> &hash)  

Create a lua table with elements from QHash.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.

template <typename Key, typename Val> Value(const State *ls, QHash<Key, Val> &hash)  

Create a lua table with elements from QHash.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.

template <typename Key, typename Val> Value(const State *ls, const QMap<Key, Val> &map)  

Create a lua table with elements from QMap.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.

template <typename Key, typename Val> Value(const State *ls, QMap<Key, Val> &map)  

Create a lua table with elements from QMap.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.


Remove lua value from lua state registry.

static Value new_global_env(const State *ls)  

Create a new lua global environment value

static Value new_table(const State *ls)  

Create a new lua table value

static Value new_thread(const State *ls, const Value &main)  

Create a new coroutine value with given entry point lua function.

Value & operator=(const Value &lv)  

Copy a lua value.

Value & operator=(Value &&lv)  

No documentation available

Value & operator=(ValueBase::Bool n)  

Assign a boolean to lua value.

Value & operator=(double n)  

Assign a number to lua value.

Value & operator=(float n)  

Assign a number to lua value.

Value & operator=(int n)  

Assign a number to lua value.

Value & operator=(unsigned int n)  

Assign a number to lua value.

Value & operator=(const String &str)  

Assign a string to lua value.

Value & operator=(const QString &str)  

Assign a string to lua value.

Value & operator=(const char *str)  

Assign a string to lua value.

Value & operator=(const Ref<UserData> &ud)  

Assign a userdata to lua value. The value will hold a Ref reference to the UserData object which will be dropped later by the lua garbage collector.

Value & operator=(UserData *ud)  

No documentation available

Value & operator=(QObject *obj)  

Assign a QObject to lua value.

See also QObject wrapping section.

Value & operator=(const QVariant &qv)  

Convert a QVariant to lua value.

See also Qt/Lua types conversion section.

Value & operator=(double n) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

Value & operator=(float n) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

Value & operator=(int n) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

Value & operator=(unsigned int n) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

Value & operator=(const String &str) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

Value & operator=(const QString &str) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

Value & operator=(const char *str) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

Value & operator=(const Ref<UserData> &ud) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

Value & operator=(UserData *ud) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

Value & operator=(QObject *obj) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

Value & operator=(const QVariant &qv) &&  

This functions is not implemented, its declaration prevents a common pitfall of assignment to temporary Value instead of ValueRef object.

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