ValueRef class reference
[Base module]
#include <QtLua/ValueRef>
namespace QtLua {
class ValueRef;
This class is a member of the QtLua namespace.
This class acts as a reference to a lua value stored in a lua table (or userdata value). It stores two lua values: a table value along with a key value.
This is mainly used in the State, Value and ValueBase::iterator classes to allow modification of lua tables with the C++ square bracket operator functions.
- enum Bool
- struct List
- enum Operation
- typedef [...] Operations
- enum ValueType
- struct const_iterator
- struct iterator
- ValueRef(const Value &table, const Value &key)
- template ValueRef(const Value &table, const T &key)
- ValueRef(Value &&table, const Value &key)
- ValueRef(const Value &table, Value &&key)
- template ValueRef(Value &&table, const T &key)
- ValueRef(Value &&table, Value &&key)
- ValueRef(ValueRef &&ref)
- ValueRef(const ValueRef &ref)
- ~ValueRef()
- Value at(const Value &key) const
- template Value at(const T &key) const
- ValueBase::iterator begin()
- ValueBase::const_iterator begin() const
- ValueBase::List call(const ValueBase::List &args) const
- ValueBase::const_iterator cbegin() const
- ValueBase::const_iterator cend() const
- bool connect(QObject *obj, const char *signal)
- bool disconnect(QObject *obj, const char *signal)
- ValueBase::iterator end()
- ValueBase::const_iterator end() const
- State * get_state() const
- bool is_dead() const
- bool is_empty() const
- bool is_nil() const
- int len() const
- Ref<Iterator> new_iterator() const
- operator Bool() const
- template operator QHash<Key,Val>() const
- template operator QList<X>() const
- template operator QMap<Key,Val>() const
- operator QString() const
- operator QVariant() const
- template operator QVector<X>() const
- template operator Ref<X>() const
- operator String() const
- operator Value() const
- operator double() const
- operator float() const
- operator signed char() const
- operator signed int() const
- operator signed long() const
- operator signed short() const
- operator unsigned char() const
- operator unsigned int() const
- operator unsigned long() const
- operator unsigned short() const
- ValueBase::List operator()() const
- ValueBase::List operator()(const Value &arg1) const
- ValueBase::List operator()(const Value &arg1, const Value &arg2) const
- ValueBase::List operator()(const Value &arg1, const Value &arg2, const Value &arg3) const
- ValueBase::List operator()(const Value &arg1, const Value &arg2, const Value &arg3, const Value &arg4) const
- ValueBase::List operator()(const Value &arg1, const Value &arg2, const Value &arg3, const Value &arg4, const Value &arg5) const
- ValueBase::List operator()(const Value &arg1, const Value &arg2, const Value &arg3, const Value &arg4, const Value &arg5, const Value &arg6) const
- bool operator<(const Value &lv) const
- const Value & operator=(const Value &v) const
- Value operator=(ValueBase::Bool n) const
- Value operator=(double n) const
- Value operator=(float n) const
- Value operator=(int n) const
- Value operator=(unsigned int n) const
- Value operator=(const String &str) const
- Value operator=(const QString &str) const
- Value operator=(const char *str) const
- Value operator=(const Ref<UserData> &ud) const
- Value operator=(UserData *ud) const
- Value operator=(QObject *obj) const
- Value operator=(const QVariant &qv) const
- bool operator==(const Value &lv) const
- bool operator==(const String &str) const
- bool operator==(const char *str) const
- bool operator==(double n) const
- Value operator[](const Value &key) const
- template Value operator[](const T &key) const
- ValueRef operator[](const Value &key)
- template ValueRef operator[](const T &key)
- ValueBase::List start(const Value &main, const ValueBase::List &args) const
- bool support(ValueBase::Operation c) const
- void table_shift(int pos, int count, const Value &init, int len = [...])
- void table_shift(int pos, int count, int len = [...])
- ValueBase::Bool to_boolean() const
- QByteArray to_bytecode() const
- template X * to_class_cast() const
- template X * to_class_cast_null() const
- int to_integer() const
- double to_number() const
- template QHash<Key, Val> to_qhash() const
- template QList<X> to_qlist() const
- template QMap<Key, Val> to_qmap() const
- QObject * to_qobject() const
- template X * to_qobject_cast() const
- QString to_qstring() const
- QVariant to_qvariant() const
- QVariant to_qvariant(int qt_type) const
- template QVector<X> to_qvector() const
- String to_string() const
- String to_string_p(bool quote_string = [...]) const
- Ref<UserData> to_userdata() const
- template Ref<X> to_userdata_cast() const
- template Ref<X> to_userdata_cast_null() const
- ValueBase::ValueType type() const
- String type_name() const
- String type_name_u() const
- virtual Value value() const
Static function
- static String type_name(ValueBase::ValueType t)
Members detail
Construct reference with given table and key.
template <typename T> ValueRef(const Value &table, const T &key)
Construct reference with given table and key.
Construct reference with given table and key.
Construct reference with given table and key.
template <typename T> ValueRef(Value &&table, const T &key)
Construct reference with given table and key.
Construct reference with given table and key.
ValueRef(ValueRef &&ref)
No documentation available
ValueRef(const ValueRef &ref)
No documentation available
No documentation available
Assign new value to referenced value.
Assign new value to referenced value.
Value operator=(double n) const
Assign new value to referenced value.
Value operator=(float n) const
Assign new value to referenced value.
Value operator=(int n) const
Assign new value to referenced value.
Value operator=(unsigned int n) const
Assign new value to referenced value.
Assign new value to referenced value.
Assign new value to referenced value.
Value operator=(const char *str) const
Assign new value to referenced value.
Assign new value to referenced value.
Assign new value to referenced value.
Assign new value to referenced value.
Assign new value to referenced value.
virtual Value value() const
This virtual function implements the value
pure function declared in the ValueBase
base abstract class for internal purposes.