Census | Paste census
command fills the census
with data from the clipboard.
Usually you get the data from a spreadsheet, but you can copy plain text from anywhere. The columns must be separated by tab characters; most spreadsheets take care of that automatically. The first row contains headers that tell what each column means. The other rows give the values for each column. Each row must have the same number of columns. No entry can be blank. Check your input carefully, because errors are not detected when you paste it.
For example, here is a census you can copy and paste:
Gender DateOfBirth EmployeeClass SpecifiedAmount Female 19851231 Clerical 100000, @85; 50000 Male 19801130 Clerical 200000, @85; 50000 Female 19751029 Technical 300000, @85; 50000 Male 19700928 Technical 400000, @85; 50000 Female 19650827 Supervisor 500000, @85; 50000 Male 19600726 Attorney 600000, @85; 75000 Female 19550625 President 700000, @85; 100000
You can use these column headers:
InsuredName | Full name of insured | |
EmployeeClass | Any distinct phrases, like Owners, Managers, and All others | |
Gender | {Male, Female, Unisex} | |
UnderwritingClass | {Preferred, Standard, Ultra, Rated} | |
Smoking | {Smoker, Nonsmoker, Unismoke} | |
DateOfBirth | Date of birth | |
IssueAge | Insurance age at issue | |
RetirementAge | Insurance age at retirement | |
State | Two-letter postal abbreviation | |
WaiverOfPremiumBenefit | {Yes, No} | |
AccidentalDeathBenefit | {Yes, No} | |
DeathBenefitOption | sequence: {a, b, rop, mdb} | |
SpecifiedAmount | sequence: number, or {maximum, target, sevenpay, glp, gsp, corridor, salary} |
Payment | Employee payment sequence: number, or {minimum, target, sevenpay, glp, gsp, corridor, table} |
PaymentMode | Employee payment mode sequence: {annual, semiannual, quarterly, monthly} |
CorporationPayment | Corporation payment sequence: number, or {minimum, target, sevenpay, glp, gsp, corridor, table} |
CorporationPaymentMode | Corporation payment mode sequence: {annual, semiannual, quarterly, monthly} |
Although you can edit data on the census screen directly, sometimes
you want the full power of a spreadsheet. For example, suppose an
inforce group wants to increase the face amount for every nonsmoking
employee under age 50 by ten percent, or $25,000 if greater.
If you'd rather do that in a spreadsheet, use the
Census | Copy census command. It copies the data you see
on the
census display
to the clipboard. Then you can paste the census into a spreadsheet,
make your changes there, and
it back in.
Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 Gregory W. Chicares. This program, including its documentation, is free software. Read the terms under which you can redistribute and modify it.
Maintained by Gregory W. Chicares. The latest version of this file can be found at the lmi website.