assh/assh.h header reference

Description [link] 

This header contains declarations of types used across the library as well as error related enums and macros.

Members [link] 

Types [link] 

Function [link] 

Macros [link] 

Members detail [link] 

#define ASSH_SEVERITY(code) [link] 

This macro is declared in assh/assh.h source file, line 253.

This macro extracts the enum assh_severity_e part of an status code returned by a function.

See also assh_status_t, enum assh_severity_e and Error handling.

#define ASSH_STATUS(code) [link] 

This macro is declared in assh/assh.h source file, line 244.

This macro extracts the enum assh_status_e part of an status code returned by a function.

See also assh_status_t, enum assh_status_e, ASSH_SUCCESS and Error handling.

#define ASSH_SUCCESS(code) [link] 

This macro is declared in assh/assh.h source file, line 248.

This macro evaluate to true when the status code is not an error.

See also ASSH_STATUS and Error handling.

typedef assh_status_t (assh_allocator_t)(void *alloc_pv, void **ptr, size_t size, enum assh_alloc_type_e type) [link] 

This typedef is declared in assh/assh.h source file, line 506.

This is the memory allocator function type. A pointer to function of this type may be passed to the assh_context_create function. The same behavior as the standard realloc function is expected.

See also Core and modules.

typedef uint8_t assh_bool_t [link] 

This typedef is declared in assh/assh.h source file, line 138.

A simple boolean type used in libassh.

const char * assh_error_str(assh_status_t err) [link] 

This function is declared in assh/assh.h source file, line 239.

This function returns an error string description of the passed error code.

enum assh_severity_e [link] 

This enum is declared in assh/assh.h source file, line 162.

This enum specifies the error severity and must be ored with an enum assh_status_e value.

These values indicate how the state of the session is impacted by the associated error.

Multiple error severity bits may be ored together; in this case the highest bit set prevails. This allows increasing the error severity returned by a callee from the caller function.

See also Error handling.

ASSH_ERRSV_CONTINUEThe error is not critical and the connection may continue. This is the default when no severity is specified.
ASSH_ERRSV_DISCONNECTThe error prevent further communication with the remote host but a disconnect packet may still be send before closing the connection.

enum assh_status_e [link] 

This enum is declared in assh/assh.h source file, line 176.

This enum specifies the possible errors returned by the libassh functions and passed to the assh_event_done function.

See also Error handling.

ASSH_NO_DATANo data were available, This is not an error.
ASSH_NOT_FOUNDThe requested entry was not found, This is not an error.
ASSH_ERR_MEMMemory allocation error.
ASSH_ERR_INPUT_OVERFLOWBuffer overflow in input data. Input data contains bad or corrupt data which would result in memory access outside allowed bounds.
ASSH_ERR_OUTPUT_OVERFLOWOutput buffer is not large enough to write expected data.
ASSH_ERR_NUM_OVERFLOWArithmetic overflow on big number.
ASSH_ERR_NUM_COMPARE_FAILEDCompare failed on big number.
ASSH_ERR_BAD_VERSIONBad version of the ssh protocol.
ASSH_ERR_BAD_DATAPacket or buffer contains unexpected or corrupt data.
ASSH_ERR_BAD_ARGInvalid function arguments
ASSH_ERR_MACMessage authentication code error.
ASSH_ERR_PROTOCOLPacket content doesn't match current state of the protocol.
ASSH_ERR_BUSYRequested operation can not be performed at this time.
ASSH_ERR_CRYPTOCrypto initialization or processing error.
ASSH_ERR_NOTSUPUnsupported parameter value.
ASSH_ERR_KEX_FAILEDThe key exchange has failed
ASSH_ERR_MISSING_KEYThe required key is not available.
ASSH_ERR_MISSING_ALGOThe required algorithm is not available.
ASSH_ERR_WRONG_KEYThe key failed to decipher
ASSH_ERR_HOSTKEY_SIGNATUREThe host key verification has failed
ASSH_ERR_SERVICE_NAThe requested service is not available
ASSH_ERR_NO_AUTHNo more authentication method available.
ASSH_ERR_NO_MORE_SERVICEThe client has reached the end of list of services to request.
ASSH_ERR_WEAK_ALGORITHMAlgorithm or key security level is below defined threshold.
ASSH_ERR_TIMEOUTProtocol timeout.

typedef int_fast16_t assh_status_t [link] 

This typedef is declared in assh/assh.h source file, line 147.

The error code integer type returned by assh functions. It is composed of two parts specified by the enum assh_status_e and enum assh_severity_e enums.

See also ASSH_STATUS, ASSH_SEVERITY and Error handling.

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