FreeDOS Text User Interface
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 array.hA dynamic array that holds pointers to objects
 block.hRead or write a block of screen memory
 box.hRectanglular region
 button.hppButton class
 checkbtn.hppCheckbutton class
 clip.hClipping of a rectangular region
 combobox.hppCombobox class
 cursor.hManipulation of the screens cursor
 draw.hDrawing routines that applies clipping
 edit.hppEdit class
 entry.hppEntry class
 event.hData structures for event handling
 fdostui.hppPrimary include file for external applications
 fdtuicfg.hFDOSTUI configuration loader. Allows a user to set options to control an FDOSTUI application without requiring a recompilation
 filedlg.hppFile dialog class
 gapbuf.hA dynamic text buffer implementing the gap buffer algorithm
 group.hppGroup class
 hash.hA hash table, which maps keys to values
 hw.hHardware routines
 ini.hA configuration file (INI) reader
 inpdlg.hppInput dialog class
 keyboard.hKeyboard enumerations and utility routines
 label.hppLabel class
 listbox.hppListbox class
 matrix.hSimple transformation matrix (translate only)
 menu.hppConatins menu class
 menubar.hppMenu bar class
 menuitem.hContainer for a menu item
 mouse.hMouse routines
 poll.hKeyboard and mouse polling routines
 popup.hppCommon dialog boxes
 radiobtn.hppRadio button class
 screen.hScreen drawing routines (no clipping) The draw.h module contians clipping routines
 scrllbar.hppScrollbar class
 scroller.hppScroller class
 skin.hSimple theme
 slider.hppSlider class
 spinner.hppSpinner class
 tree.hppTree widget class
 treeitem.hppTreeitem widget class
 valuator.hppValuator class
 widget.hppWidget class
 window.hppWindow class
 wm.hppWindow management routines
 wmhelper.hppWmhelper class
 wmmenu.hppSystem menu definition