bdsync-manager - maintain and execute your synchronization tasks of local or remote blockdevices with bdsync
bdsync-manager [--log-level=(DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR)] [--task TASK_NAME] [--config CONFIG_FILE]
bdsync-manager simplifies local or remote synchronization of blockdevices.
As a wrapper around the bdsync tool, it allows to define a list of source and target blockdevices with different specifications (e.g. target hosts, LVM snapshotting). bdsync-manager is most suitable as a simple cron-job for keeping a remote backup in sync with your plain or encrypted blockdevices.
You may think of bdsync as the blockdevice-oriented counterpart of rsync (which cannot handle blockdevices). Thus bdsync-manager would be similar to rsnapshot for managing multiple sources and targets to be used for non-interactive synchronization tasks.
Please take a detailed look at bdsync. If bdsync's features are suitable for your workflow then bdsync-manager will probably help you to avoid writing scripts on your own.
bdsync-manager is written in Python and licensed under the GPL v3 or later.
- simplify the usage of bdsync's well-designed workflow (create/transfer/apply the patch)
- define multiple blockdevice synchronization tasks with different options in a single configuration file
- output timing statistics for patch creation and patch application
- [optional] create LVM snapshots for the duration of the synchronization for a time-consistent backup