This page gives a few illustrations of the use of the TFTB. Several
others examples can be found in the tutorial which
comments and details the various demos.
Simulated signal : linear frequency modulation
Let us consider for this first example, the simulated signal which we
see the time representation in the plot on the left. Clearly, this is
an oscillating signal whose frequency varies with time. However, it
is difficult to conclude from this representation on its type of
modulation i.e., on the relationship between frequency vs. time. The
spectrum of this signal does not give more indications, expect the
fact that its frequency goes through the entire useful bandwidth (from
f=0 [DC] to f=1/2 [Nyquist] using normalized
frequencies). The objective of time-frequency analysis is to offer a
more informative description of the signal which reveals the temporal
variation of its frequency contents. The plot on the right gives an
illustration (here, given by the Wigner-Ville
distribution). We see that the signal frequency is modulated
see the script to compute the time-frequency image
Animals : the bat call

It is well-known that bats use their calls
as a sonar to locate their preys : they make sounds (in fact, ultrasounds inaudible for
us), listen to echoes and use this to sense and determine their
environment. (The sound sample proposed here is a modification the
original recording which brings by heterodyning the ultrasounds down
to the audible frequencies). Several studies have demonstrated that
time-frequency representations (such as the one presented here in the
screenshot) of the calls give interesting indications on the type of
signals used by bats, and thus on the way this biological sonar
Musical instruments: gong
This is a time-frequency
image of the sound of a gong. The sound
is composed of a number of frequencies (horizontal lines in this
time-frequency image) which fade out. Each of the frequencies are
mechanical resonances (or modes) directly related to the shape and
weight of the instrument. Gong and bells are usually tuned to a
pitch. This means that the frequency of the fundamental mode which has
the largest amplitude (darkest red in this picture) is adjusted to a
given frequency. We see that the colors and thus the amplitude of
certain lines changes as time goes. This is due to the beating
of two modes with very close frequencies, an phenomenon which you can
indeed perceive if you listen with attention.
see the script to compute the time-frequency image
Credits: sound sample provided by Pr. Lee Holloway, HEP, Univ. of Illinois
Animals : a bird cry 
This is a time-frequency representation of the sparrow call. We see clearly the
different phases of the call, and the ability of the animal to
modulated rapidly its cry. This example demonstrates that
a time-frequency representation can help to understand quickly
what's happening in complicated data i.e., its
It is interesting to listen to the sound sample in a decelerated
version (8 times slower) . (Note that this
transformation lowers the overall pitch of the sample.) While
listening, the time-frequency image can be used as a "music
score": it is possible to make a correspondance between the
patterns in the image and the successive parts of the call.
see the script to compute the time-frequency image