The following options can be used on the command line and in the
configuration file (see section 7.1). There is a long
option for the command line (like --sourceDir), sometimes also
a shortcut for the command line (like -s) and the name of the
term used in the configuration file (like sourceDir). For
options which can be used on command line only, see (previous)
chapter 6.2.
- --sourceDir / -s / sourceDir
- The path to the directory
you want to backup. You can only backup one directory with If you want to backup more than one directory, you
can use --includeDirs, --exceptDirs or better the recommended
option --followLinks (see below).
- --backupDir / -b / backupDir
- The repository, where
all your master backups are stored. In this document, this is often
referred to as the master backup repository. You may have additional copies
of your master backups in other locations (created via storeBackup's
replication feature) but you normally run this program on the master backup repository.
If you have one series of backups
(e.g., from one computer), this parameter value will normally be the
directory where your backups are. In this case, set the following
option (series) to ``.''. Example:
backupDir = /backup
series = .
Then you will see your backups directly in /backup:
$ ls -l /backup
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 528 Aug 24 21:33 2008.08.22_02.18.43
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 528 Aug 24 21:33 2008.08.23_02.01.11
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 528 Aug 24 21:33 2008.08.24_02.03.51
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 528 Aug 24 21:33 2008.08.24_13.04.55
If you have different series of backups in your repository, you
normally will create sub directories for each different backup
series (perhaps from different computers) and configure
series to these directory names. Let's assume you have three
different computers to backup, ``bob'', ``joe'' and ``bill''. Then
you can
create three different directories:
$ ls -l /backup
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Aug 25 17:02 bill
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Aug 25 17:02 bob
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Aug 25 17:02 joe
Below these directories, you will find the individual backups for
``bill'', ``bob'' and ``joe''. E.g. for ``bill'' you will set:
backupDir = /backup
series = bill
Then you will see your backup in /backup/bill:
$ ls -l /backup
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 432 Aug 24 21:33 2008.08.20_02.18.25
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 432 Aug 24 21:33 2008.08.21_02.11.53
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 432 Aug 24 21:33 2008.08.22_02.36.18
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 432 Aug 24 21:33 2008.08.23_02.17.18
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 432 Aug 24 21:33 2008.08.24_02.15.45
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 432 Aug 24 21:33 2008.08.24_13.17.21
- --series / -S / series
- see option
backupDir above.
The default value for series is ``default''. To rename an
existing series do the following:
- Run so no unresolved lateLinks (see
option lateLinks below) exists.
- Rename the directory below the directory specified with option
backupDir to whatever name you want.
- Configure this option (series) to the name of the
directory you have chosen in the step before.
- --tmpdir / -T /tmpdir
- Directory for temporary files, the
default value is picked from the environment variable
. If it does not exist, /tmp is set as
the default value.
- --lockFile / -L / lockFile
- uses a lock
file to avoid it running multiple times. The default name of the
lock file is /tmp/storeBackup.lock.
This type of lock files does not work across multiple servers and is
not designed to separate and or any other storeBackup process
in a separate PID12 space. If you want to use
lock files across multiple servers you should build your own
solution (maybe on top of these lock files) or use an ``enterprise
job scheduler''.
- --unlockBeforeDel / unlockBeforeDel
- Remove the lock file
before deleting old backups. Default is to delete the lock file
after removing old backups. This ``shortens'' the time for a backup
from some perspective.
- --exceptDirs / -e / exceptDirs
- You can specify a list of
directories to be excluded from the backup. It must be a
relative path from the point specified with option
sourceDir. You can also use wildcards. To give an example, if
all your users reside below sourceDir/home and you want
to avoid to backup the directory
tmp in each home directory, you can say:
exceptDirs = home/*/tmp
For interpreting the wildcards, uses a shell. So if
the resulting list of directories is too long (about 4K), then this
will not work any more. Then you should use option exceptRule
If you want to specify a list of directories in the configuration
simply write:
exceptDirs = home/*/tmp 'otherdir/temp'
On the command line, simply repeat the option:
-e 'home/*/tmp' -e 'otherdir/tmp'
Here, quoting home/*/tmp is important to avoid the expansion
of the term by the shell.
(In section ``Selecting Directories / Files to
Backup'' you will get an overview about
different options to include / exclude files or directories.)
- --contExceptDirsErr / contExceptDirsErr
will continue to backup even if one or more directories specified
with exceptDirs does not exist. Default is to print and error
message and stop.
- --includeDirs / -i / includeDirs
- If this option is set,
only files in directories specified here are
backed up. will only include files which are not
in the exceptDirs and in the includeDirs.
This option can be used in the way as described for exceptDirs.
(In section ``Selecting Directories / Files to
Backup'' you will get an overview about
different options to include / exclude files or directories.)
- --exceptRule / exceptRule
- If this rule matches, the
affected file is excluded from the backup. The rules are executed on
regular files. You can read more about rules in
section 7.4.
(In section ``Selecting Directories / Files to
Backup'' you will get an overview about
different options to include / exclude files or directories.)
- --includeRule / includeRule
- If a definition for this
option exists then only files which match this rule are backup
up. will back up files which are not excluded
by the backup and match the includeRule. You can read more
about rules in section 7.4.
- --writeExcludeLog / writeExcludeLog
- This option tells to write a file with the names of files which have
been excluded because of rules. The file will be stored in the top
level of the actual backup with the name
.storeBackup.notSaved.bz2. It is compressed with bzip2.
- --exceptTypes / exceptTypes
- Do not save the files of
the specified type. knows:
S -- file is a socket
b -- file is a block special file
c -- file is a character special file
f -- file is a plain file
p -- file is a named pipe
l -- file is a symbolic link
Sbc can only be stored if you have gnu-cp in your path and
activate the ``gnucp'' option (see below). If you specify
exceptTypes = Sbc
then files of these types will not be stored in the backup and no
warning will be generated. This rule is evaluated before
``exceptRule'' and ``includeRule''. If you want to exclude some file
types in general, use this option (it's faster and easier to use).
- --archiveTypes archiveTypes
- Save the specified type of
files in an achive instead of saving them directly in the file
system. This is useful, if you want to backup those file types but
your target file or transport mechanism (e.g. sshfs or non gnu-cp)
system does not support those types of files. You can select the
following types of files:
S -- file is a socket
b -- file is a block special file
c -- file is a character special file
p -- file is a named pipe
- --specialTypeArchiver / specialTypeArchiver
- Possible
values are cpio and tar. Default option is
cpio. See option archiveTypes described above.
Note: tar is not able to archive sockets; cpio is not
part of the actual posix standard any more.
- --cpIsGnu / cpIsGnu
- If you choose this option, you will
be able to backup (and restore) files of type Sbc (see
above). For restoring with, you also need
gnu-cp. If you are using a linux system, your cp will be gnu cp.
- --linkSymlinks / linkSymlinks
- If you store your backups
on a file system which supports hard links to symbolic links, you
should activate this option. GNU/Linux does support this
feature. Default is not to hard link symbolic links.
- --precommand / precommand
- You can define one
command (or script) to be executed before starts the
backup. It will only start after the lock file is checked. If the
return value of this command / script is != 0, then
will stop immediately. The output of this command to stdin is
printed as a warning to the log file, the output to
stderr is printed as an error.
The cli parameter to this option is parsed like a line in the
configuration file and normally has to be quoted. This means, you
can use parameters, e.g.:
precommand = /backup/ param1 param2
is the same as:
--precommand '/backup/ param1 param2'
- --postcommand / postcommand
- This command is executed
after finishing the backup, but before starting the deletion of
old backups. reports, if the exit status is != 0.
The cli parameter to this option is parsed like a line in the
configuration file, see option ``precommand''.
- --followLinks / followLinks
- If you want to backup more
than one directory, you should use this option. For instance, if you
want to backup /boot, /etc and /home/tom, then
you should do (as root) something similar to:
# mkdir /backup
# cd /backup
# ln -s /boot boot
# ln -s /etc etc
# ln -s /home/tom home_tom
# ln -s . backup
# -g stbu.conf
Then you should configure your backup by editing file
stbu.conf. Configure (among others):
# sourceDir = /backup
# followLinks = 1
This will tell to take the fist level of symbolic
links below /backup like directories. With ``ln -s . backup'' you will get a sub directory inside of your backup which
reflects /backup.
``followLinks'' configures to treat n levels of
directories or symbolic links as directories. Simply by adding or
deleting a symbolic link to your backup directory, you can add or
remove any directory in your file system to /backup from your
- --stayInFileSystem / stayInFileSystem
- Only files and
directories in file systems which are specified by option
sourceDir of via the symbolic links of option
followLinks are saved.
- --highLatency / highLatency
- Use this option if you are running
storeBackup on line with a very high latency, like a vpn over the
internet. This option will use more parallelisation at the cost of
more cpu needed. If you use this option, then it would be a good idea
to use --lateLinks and probably
Do not use this option for regular backups to a another local disk or
to nfs mounts on the local network.
- --ignorePerms / ignorePerms
- With this option, files in
the backup will not necessarily have the same permissions and owners
as the original ones. This speeds up the backup. Recovery with will restore the permissions and owners
correctly. There are several possibilities to improve performance,
see section 5.4.3.
- --lateLinks / lateLinks
- This option will reduce your
direct backup time at the cost of a second process you have to
run later. For a local backup onto another disk, you will see an
improvement of 30-50%. If you write a backup over NFS, you will
see an improvement by a factor of 5 to 10. This value can vary
depending on how many new files you have to backup and how fast your
network is. Saving over a vpn over the Internet I
measured an improvement with lateLinks by a factor of 70.
If you want to use ``lateLinks'' you have to read
section 7.6.
- --lateCompress / lateCompress
- This option can only be
used if ``lateLinks'' is set. Compression of files
``minCompressSize'' will be done later when starting See also section 7.6.
- --checkBlocksSuffix
- The configuration is similar to
exceptSuffix, a list of suffixes which are checked for a
match, e.g.,
.vdmk for VMware images. They simply
mean that the last part of the file name must be similar to
what you define here.
The next options described here are only used if
checkBlocksSuffix is set.
See blocked files for more information about the options
with ``block'' in their name.
- --checkBlocksMinSize
- Only files with this minimum size
will the treated as blocked files. You can use the same shortcuts as
described in defining rules, e.g., 50M means 50 megabytes. The default
value is 100M.
- --checkBlocksBS
- Defines the block size in which the
files which matches have to be split by The format is
equal to checkBlocksMinSize. The default value is 1M. The
minimal value is 10k.
- --checkBlocksParallel
- Read the files specified
here parallel to the files not specified in
checkBlocksSuffix. This normally only
makes sense if the files specified here are small or if the are on
a separate device.
Default is no, which means not to parallelize.
- --checkBlocksCompr
- Defines if the blocks are
compressed. Possible values are yes, no or
check; the default value is no.
This option only affects files selected with
checkBlocksSuffix. If you set this option to check,
every block is checked for compression (or not), see How
to define if a file should be compressed.
- --checkBlocksRulei
- The ith rule
specifying files to treat as blocked files in the backup. You can
define 5 rules, beginning from checkBlocksRule0 to
See blocked files for more information about the options
with ``block'' in their name.
- --checkBlocksBSi
- The corresponding block size
for the blocks in the backup. The default value is 1 megabyte
(1M). The minimal value is 10k.
- --checkBlocksCompri
- Defines if the blocks are
compressed. Possible values are yes, no or
check; the default value is no.
This option only affects files selected with
checkBlocksSuffix. If you set this option to check,
every block is checked for compression (or not). See How
to define if a file should be compressed.
- --checkBlocksReadi
- Defines a filter for reading
the specified file in sourceDir, e.g., gunzip or
gzip -d. This option is useful if you have to save an
already compressed image file. (Using the ``blocked file'' feature
of storeBackup with already compressed files compressed as a whole
does not make sense.)
- --checkBlocksParalleli
- Read the files specified
here in parallel to the files not specified in
checkBlocksRulei or checkDevicesi. This normally only
makes sense if the files specified here are small or if the are on
a separate device.
Default is no, which means not to parallelize.
You have to know, that files and devices specified in
checkBlocksRulei or checkDevicesi are never
- --checkDevicesi
- List of devices (e.g.,
/dev/sdd2 /dev/sde1) to backup.
- --checkDevicesDiri
- Directory where the devices
are stored in the backup (relative path). The image file will
also be restored in that directory if you restore the backup with (if you use default options). In this
directory, storeBackup will create a subdirectory which name is
generated from the parameters of checkDevices, e.g.,
/dev/sdc will result in dev_sdc.
- --checkDevicesBSi
- Defines the block size in
which the devices specified have to be split by The
format is equal to checkBlocksMinSize. The default value is
1M. The minimal value is 10k.
- --checkDevicesCompri
- Defines if the blocks are
compressed. Possible values are yes, no or
check; the default value is no.
If you set this option to check,
every block is checked for compression. See How
to define if a file should be compressed.
- --checkDevicesParalleli
- Read the devices
specified here parallel to the files not specified in
checkBlocksRulei or checkDevicesi. This normally only
makes sense if the files specified here are small or if they are on
a separate device.
Default is no, which means not to parallelize.
Please note that files and devices specified in
checkBlocksRulei or checkDevicesi are never
- --saveRAM / saveRAM
- Use this option if
runs on a system with very low memory. You will then
see some dbm files in ``tmpDir''. This will slow down
a little bit, so do this only if you run into problems without
it. On modern computers, it should only be necessary to use this
option if you backup millions of files.
- --compress / -c / compress
- The command
uses for compression. Default is bzip2.
The cli parameter to this option is parsed like a line in the
configuration file and normally has to be quoted on the command
line. This means you can use parameters, e.g.:
compress = gzip -9
which is similar to:
--compress 'gzip -9'
- --uncompress / -u / uncompress
- The command uses for uncompressing the files in the backup with Default is ``bzip2 -d''. It must fit
to the parameter of the option ``compress''.
The cli parameter to this option is parsed like a line in the
configuration file and normally has to be quoted on the command
line. This means, you can use parameters, e.g.:
uncompress = gzip -d
which is similar to:
--uncompress 'gzip -d'
- --postfix / -p /postfix
- The postfix will
use for compressed files. This should fit to the option
compress. Default is .bz2.
- --noCompress / noCompress
- Maximal number of parallel
compression operations. With GNU/Linux, the default value is chosen
automatically as the number of cores plus 1.
- --queueCompress / queueCompress
- Maximal length of a
queue to store files before they are compressed. Default value is
- --noCopy / noCopy
- Maximal number of parallel copy
operations. The default value is 1.
- --queueCopy / queueCopy
- Maximal length of a queue to
store files before they are copied. The default value is 1000.
- --withUserGroupStat / withUserGroupStat
- Write statistics
about used space in sourceDir by user and groups in the log file.
- --userGroupStatFile / userGroupStatFile
- Write statistics
about used space in sourceDir by user and groups in this file. This
file will be overwritten each time.
- --exceptSuffix / exceptSuffix
- Do not compress files with
these suffixes. On the command line, you can repeat this option
multiple times. The default value is:
exceptSuffix = '\.zip' '\.bz2' '\.gz' '\.tgz' '\.jpg' '\.gif' '\.tiff'
'\.tif' '\.mpeg' '\.mpg' '\.mp3' '\.ogg' '\.gpg' '\.png'
You should use a backslash (
) to mask the dot. If you
do not do so, the dot is interpreted as any character.
If you do not want to compress any file, you can use:
exceptSuffix = .*
- --addExceptSuffix / addExceptSuffix
- If you only want to
add suffixes to the above, use this option. On the command
line, you can repeat this option multiple times. See the examples
above (option exeptSuffix) how to use it in the configuration file.
- --compressSuffix / compressSuffix
- List of suffixes of
files to be compressed (in exceptSuffix format). If you enter
this value, then a rule will be generated depending on
exceptSuffix, addExceptSuffix, minCompressSize
and a special rule-function to theck if a compression of the files
not affected by the suffix based criteria will be done or not. Easy
examples and detailed explanations are presented in How to
define if a file should be compressed.
- --minCompressSize / minCompressSize
- Files with a size
smaller than this value will not be compressed. The default value
is 1024.
If you change this value from one backup to the next (e.g. if you make
the fist backup with the default value and the second with 512),
then this change affects only files which have a new content. Files
with a content which exists already in the backup will be linked to
the ones in the old backup. (So, in the example a (new) file with 600
bytes will not be compressed in the second backup if there was already
a file with the same content in the first backup.)
- --comprRule / comprRule
- You can use this rule as an
alternative to options exceptSuffix, minCompressSize,
addExceptSuffix and compressSuffix. If this rule is
set, the just mentioned options are ignored (this means that no
rule is generated from these options). See defining
rules to understand how to
configure rules. You can e.g., define a rule that the data of
serveral uses will not be compressed for easier restore by the users
- --doNotCompressMD5File / doNotCompressMD5File
- stores information about each file in the backup in
the top level directory of each backup in a file called
.md5CheckSums. It normally is compressed with bzip2. Using
this option avoids this compression. Use this if your computer is
very slow and has only one core. It will speed up things a little
- --chmodMD5File
- Everybody who wants to use needs to be able to read the file
.md5CheckSums (see option above). Default permission on this
file is 0600, which means only the one who generated the backup has
access to it. With this option you can give access to other
people. If you do so, this can be a kind of a security hole: for all
files .md5CheckSums stores md5sum, times, uid, gid, mode (and
some other information).
Direct access to files in the backup is independent of this option.
- --verbose / -v / verbose
- Generate verbose messages.
- --debug / -d / debug
- Generates debug messages:
0 -- no debug messages (default)
1 -- some debug messages
2 -- many debug messages
This option is especially helpful in combination with options
exceptRule and includeRule.
- --resetAtime / resetAtime
- Restores the access time in
the backups (same as in source), but changes ctime (creation
time). Normally, you will not use this option.
- --doNotDelete / doNotDelete
- Do all checks what backups
should be deleted, but do not delete anything. This option is useful
in combination with which can read the
configuration file of can delete
old backups later asynchronously.
For understanding the rules what file should be deleted, see the
'' options below.
- --deleteNotFinishedDirs / deleteNotFinishedDirs
- Delete
backups which have not been finished and are therefore not
complete. or will
only delete unfinished backups if option doNotDelete is set
to yes or if this option is used on the command line. The
default value for this option is no.
- --keepAll / keepAll
- Keep all backups of a series for the
specified amount of time. This is like a default value for all
days in option keepWeekday (see below). Deletion of old backups is
done after the actual backup is finished or with The time range has to be specified in format
``dhms'', e.g. ``10d2h'' means 10 days and 2 hours. To do so is
useful if you want to specify 10 days, because if you define this
exactly, then checking a few minutes or seconds before or later can
result in 9 days. StoreBackups internal calculation is in
The default value is ``30d''.
- --keepWeekday / keepWeekday
- This option overwrites the
settings of option keepAll for special days of the
week. Mon,Wed:40d5m Sat:60d10m means:
- keep backups from Monday and Wednesday 40 days + 5 minutes
- keep backups from Saturday 60 days + 10 minutes
- keep backups from the rest of the weekdays like specified via
option keepAll.
You can also use the ``archive flag'' which means not to delete the
affected directories because option ``keepMaxNumber''
hits. Mon,Wed:a40d5m Sat:60d10m means:
- keep backups from Monday and Wednesday 40 days + 5 minutes +
If you have more than ``keepMaxNumber'' backups, then Monday and
Wednesday backups falling in this category will not be deleted.
- keep backups from Saturday 60 days + 10 minutes
If you have more than ``keepMaxNumber'' backups, then Saturday
Backups falling in this category will be deleted.
- keep backups from the rest of the weekdays like specified via
option keepAll. If you have more than ``keepMaxNumber'' backups,
then they will be deleted if they are falling in this category.
On the command line, the parameter to this option is parsed like a
line in the configuration file and therefore normally has to be
quoted on the command line.
- --keepFirstOfYear / keepFirstOfYear
- Do not delete the
first existing backup of a year. The format is a time period (see
option keepAll) with a possible ``archive flag''.
- --keepLastOfYear / keepLastOfYear
- Do not delete the last
existing backup of a year. The format is a time period (see option
keepAll) with a possible ``archive flag''.
- --keepFirstOfMonth / keepFirstOfMonth
- Do not delete the
first existing backup of a month. The format is a time period (see
option keepAll) with a possible ``archive flag''.
- --keepLastOfMonth / keepLastOfMonth
- Do not delete the
last existing backup of a month. The format is a time period (see
option keepAll) with a possible ``archive flag''.
- --firstDayOfWeek / firstDayOfWeek
- Sets the first day of
the week for the calculations depending on options
keepFirstOfWeek and keepLastOfWeek.
Default value is ``Sun''.
- --keepFirstOfWeek / keepFirstOfWeek
- Do not delete the
first existing backup of a week. The format is a time period (see
option keepAll) with a possible ``archive flag''.
- --keepLastOfWeek / keepLastOfWeek
- Do not delete the last
existing backup of a week. The format is a time period (see option
keepAll) with a possible ``archive flag''.
- --keepDuplicate / keepDuplicate
- Keep multiple backups of
one day up to the specified value. If it's older than specified
here, delete all except the oldest backup of that day. Usage of the
``archive'' flag is not possible. The format is like described
for option keepAll.
The default value is ``7d''.
- --keepMinNumber / keepMinNumber
- Keep that minimum of
backups. Multiple backups of one day are counted as one backup.
The default value is ``10''.
- --keepMaxNumber / keepMaxNumber
- Try to keep only that
maximum number of backups. If you have more backups than specified
here, the following sequence of deletion will happen:
- Delete all duplicates of a day, beginning with the oldest
ones, except the last of every day.
- If this is not enough, delete the rest of the backups
beginning with oldest, but never a backup with the ``archive
flag'' or the last backup. See option keepWeekday for explanations
of the ``archive flag''.
- --keepRelative / -R / keepRelative
- This is a alternative
deletion scheme. If this option is set, all other keep
are ignored. On the command line, the parameter to this option is
parsed like a line in the configuration file and
normally has to be quoted.
This backup deletion scheme allows you to specify the relative age
of the backups you would like to have rather then the
period over which a backup should be kept.
Imagine that you always want to have the following backups
- 1 backup from yesterday
- 1 backup from last week
- 1 backup from last month
- 1 backup from 3 months ago
Note that this is most likely not what you really want to
have, because it simply means that you have to do daily backups and
have to keep every backup for exactly 3 months. Otherwise you
wouldn't always
have a backup that is of exactly the requested age.
What you really want to have is therefore probably something like
- 1 backup of age 1 hour to 24 hours / 1 day
- 1 backup of age 1 day to 7 days
- 1 backup of age 14 days to 31 days
- 1 backup of age 80 days to 100 days
This is now a very common backup strategy, but you would have
difficulty to achieve this with the usual keepFirstOf
especially if you do not do backups with perfect regularity. However,
you can implement it very easily using keepRelative. All you need to
write is:
keepRelative = 1h 1d 7d 14d 31d 80d 100d
i.e. you list all the intervals for which you want to have backups.
storeBackup will delete backups in such a way that you come as close
as possible (if you do not do backups often enough, there is of
nothing that storeBackup can do) to your requested backup scheme.
Note that this may mean that storeBackup keeps more backups that you
think it has to, i.e. it may keep two backups in the same
period. In this case storeBackup ``looks into the future'' and
determines that both backups will later be necessary in order
to have a backups for all periods. This is also the reason why in
the above example you have somehow implicitly specified the period 7
days to 14 days, although you didn't really want to have a backup in
this period - in order to have backups in the next period (14 days
to 31 days) you always need to have a backup in the period 7 days to
14 days as well. Therefore
the syntax doesn't allow you to exclude some periods.
Finally you should be aware that storeBackup shifts all the
intervals if it cannot find a recent enough backup: if your first
intervals is from 10 days to 20 days, but your most recent backup is
actually 25 days old, all subsequent periods will be extended by 5
days. This ensures that if you haven't made any backups over a large
period, this period is not taken into account for your backup
scheme. To give an example why this is useful: If you wanted to have
backups 1, 3, 7 and 10 days old and then went on vacation for 14
days, it is pretty unlikely that you want all your backups deleted
when you come back, hence storeBackup ignores these 14 days and
keeps the backups appropriately longer.
- --progressReport / -P / progressReport
- Print a progress
report after the specified number of files. If you want to get a message
at least after a specific time frame, you may add that time frame
separated by a comma, eg:
-P 1000,1m10s on the command line or
progressReport = 1000,1m10s in the configuration file.
There must be no white space in the parameter to that option. The
syntax of the time frame is the same as with the keep
- --printDepth / -D / printDepth
- Print depth of actually
read directories during the backup.
- --ignoreReadError / ignoreReadError
- Setting this option
lets ignore read errors in the source directory -
not readable directories do not cause to stop
processing. This option was implemented for reading shares
from a windows server which sometimes generated such faults.
Normally, you should not use this option.
- --suppressWarning / suppressWarning
- Suppresses
(unwanted) warnings that would normally be written to the log
(and/or standard output). This is an advanced option. For
normal use of storeBackup, you can ignore this option. In some
situations, an advanced user may not want to see certain
warnings. This option allows the user to turn those warnings
off. This feature is only available for certain non-critical
warnings, e.g. missing excluded directories, files changed during backup,
or creation of the `default' series. 13
- Using suppressWarning with the excDir key suppresses
the warning that an excluded directory does not exist.
- Using the fileChange key suppresses any warning when
storeBackup notices that a file has changed since the current
backup began.
- Using the crSeries key suppresses the warning that
storeBackup had to create a directory for the `default' series.
- Using the hashCollision key suppresses the warning that
storeBackup found a possible md5 hash collision.
- Using the fileNameWIthLineFeed key suppresses the
warning if a filename contains a line feed.
- Using the use_DB_File key suppresses the warning if
in your perl installation the CPAN module DB_File is not
installed. If possible, you should install it - it helps improve
performance and reduces memory usage.
- Using the use_MLDBM key suppresses the warning which
is generated if you may use the rule functions MARK_DIR
or MARK_DIR_REC in combination with option saveRAM
and the perl CPAN module MLDBM is not installed on
you computer.
- Using the use_IOCompressBzip2 key suppresses the
warning that you should install the perl CPAN module
IO::Compress::Bzip2 for better performance. Ignore /
suppress this message if you do not use bzip2 as
compression method.
- Using the noBackupForPeriod key suppresses the warning
that there are no backups for certain periods when using the option
- --linkToRecent
- After a successful backup, a symbolic
link to the most recent backup of this series (that's the backup just
done) is created with the name specified by this option. If an older
symbolic link exists, it will be deleted. If you change the name of
this symbolic link in the configuration, the old link will not
be removed - you have to delete it manually.
- --logFile / -l / logFile
- Name of the log file. Default
is stdout.
- --plusLogStdout / plusLogStdout
- If the option logFile is
set you can configure here to also print the log
messages to stdout.
- --suppressTime / suppressTime
- Suppress the output of the
actual time in the log file.
- --maxFilelen / -m / maxFilelen
- Maximal size of a log
file. After reaching this size, the log file will be rotated (see
option noOfOldFiles) or compressed (see option saveLogs).
- --noOfOldFiles / -n / noOfOldFiles
- Number of old rotated
log files, default is 5.
With default values, it will look like this:
$ ls -l /tmp/storebackup.log*
-rw------- 1 hjc root 328815 30. Aug 12:12 /tmp/storebackup.log
-rw------- 1 root root 1000087 27. Aug 21:18 /tmp/storebackup.log.1
-rw------- 1 root root 1000038 20. Aug 19:02 /tmp/storebackup.log.2
-rw------- 1 root root 1000094 11. Aug 18:51 /tmp/storebackup.log.3
-rw------- 1 root root 1000147 11. Aug 18:49 /tmp/storebackup.log.4
-rw------- 1 root root 1000030 11. Aug 18:49 /tmp/storebackup.log.5
Older log files than *.5 have been deleted automatically.
- --saveLogs / saveLogs
- Save the log files with a time and
date stamp instead of deleting them after rotating. (Setting this
option deactivates option noOfOldFiles.)
- --compressWith / compressWith
- Specifies the program to
compress the saved log files (e.g., with gzip -9). Default
value is bzip2.
On the command line, the parameter to this option is parsed like a
line in the configuration file and normally has to be quoted.
- --logInBackupDir / logInBackupDir
- Write the log file
(also) in the backup directory (default name is
.storeBackup.log, also see option logInBackupDirFileName
below). This log file as the case may be does not contain all error
messages like the one specified with option logFile. (The backup
directory must exist before any message can be written into
this log file.)
This is useful for having a (historical) log file, while the
``global'' log file (from option logFile) is useful for monitoring.
- --compressLogInBackupDir / compressLogInBackupDir
- The
log file in the backup directory will be compressed if you specify
this option.
- --logInBackupDirFileName / logInBackupDirFileName
- File
name of the log file to be stored in the backup directory. Default
is .storeBackup.log.
- ...otherBackupSeries... / otherBackupSeries
- On the
command line, this is not an option; it is a list parameter. So you
have to write on the command line e.g.:
# <all_options> 0:server2 0-2:server3
In the configuration file this is similar to:
otherBackupSeries = 0:server2 0-2:server3
Here you can specify a list of other backup directories to consider
for hard linking. The path to their backup directories
must be a relative path from backupDir!
Format (examples):
otherSeries/2002.08.29_08.25.28 -> consider exactly this otherSeries
0:otherSeries -> last (youngest) in <backupDir>/otherSeries
1:otherSeries -> first before last in <backupDir>/otherSeries
n:otherSeries -> n'th before last in <backupDir>/otherSeries
3-5:otherSeries -> 3rd, 4th and 5th in <backupDir>/otherSeries
all:otherSeries -> all in <backupDir>/otherBackupSeries
If you do not specify otherBackupSeries then
the youngest backup from all series in the top level directory you
specified with the option backupDir is considered automatically.
To configure otherBackupSeries, you can use wildcards. More on that
topic can be found at the beginning of section ``Using
Wildcards for Replication''