This is the basic program to make a backup. Beside a lot of options, there are two modes you can use:

  1. Make a direct backup and do all the necessary copying, compressing, linking, permission settings etc. If you are not familiar with storeBackup, you should start with this mode.
  2. Only do the absolutely necessary (deltas) and leave the rest to which you have to run later. This is a kind of client / server mode.

NAME - fancy compressing managing checksumming hard-linking cp
    This program copies trees to another location. Every file copied is
    potentially compressed (see --exceptSuffix). The backups after the first
    backup will compare the files with an md5 checksum with the last stored
    version. If they are equal, it will only make an hard link to it. It
    will also check mtime, ctime and size to recognize idential files in
    older backups very fast. It can also backup big image files fast and
    efficiently on a per block basis (data deduplication).
    You can overwrite options in the configuration file on the command line.
   -g configFile
   [-f configFile] [-s sourceDir]
                  [-b backupDirectory] [-S series] [--checkCompr] [--print]
                  [-T tmpdir] [-L lockFile] [--unlockBeforeDel] 
                  [--exceptDirs dir1] [--contExceptDirsErr]
                  [--includeDirs dir1]
                  [--exceptRule rule] [--includeRule rule]
                  [--exceptTypes types]
                  [--specialTypeArchiver archiver [--archiveTypes types]]
                  [--cpIsGnu] [--linkSymlinks]
                  [--precommand job] [--postcommand job]
                  [--followLinks depth] [--highLatency]
                  [--ignorePerms] [--lateLinks [--lateCompress]]
                  [--checkBlocksSuffix suffix] [--checkBlocksMinSize size]
                  [--checkBlocksBS] [--checkBlocksCompr check|yes|no]
                  [--checkBlocksParallel] [--queueBlock]
                  [--checkBlocksRule0 rule [--checkBlocksBS0 size]
                   [--checkBlocksCompr0 key] [--checkBlocksRead0 filter]
                  [--checkBlocksRule1 rule [--checkBlocksBS1 size]
                   [--checkBlocksCompr1 key] [--checkBlocksRead1 filter]
                  [--checkBlocksRule2 rule [--checkBlocksBS2 size]
                   [--checkBlocksCompr2 kdey] [--checkBlocksRead2 filter]
                  [--checkBlocksRule3 rule [--checkBlocksBS3 size]
                   [--checkBlocksCompr3 key] [--checkBlocksRead3 filter]
                  [--checkBlocksRule4 rule [--checkBlocksBS4 size]
                   [--checkBlocksCompr4 key] [--checkBlocksRead4 filter]
                  [--checkDevices0 list [--checkDevicesDir0]
                   [--checkDevicesBS0] [checkDevicesCompr0 key]
                  [--checkDevices1 list [--checkDevicesDir1]
                   [--checkDevicesBS1] [checkDevicesCompr1 key]
                  [--checkDevices2 list [--checkDevicesDir2]
                   [--checkDevicesBS2] [checkDevicesCompr2 key]
                  [--checkDevices3 list [--checkDevicesDir3]
                   [--checkDevicesBS3] [checkDevicesCompr3 key]
                  [--checkDevices4 list [--checkDevicesDir4]
                   [--checkDevicesBS4] [checkDevicesCompr4 key]
                  [--saveRAM] [-c compress] [-u uncompress] [-p postfix]
                  [--noCompress number] [--queueCompress number]
                  [--noCopy number] [--queueCopy number]
                  [--withUserGroupStat] [--userGroupStatFile filename]
                  [--exceptSuffix suffixes] [--addExceptSuffix suffixes]
                  [--compressSuffix] [--minCompressSize size] [--comprRule]
                  [--doNotCompressMD5File] [--chmodMD5File] [-v]
                  [-d level][--progressReport number[,timeframe]] [--printDepth]
                  [--suppressWarning key] [--linkToRecent name]
                  [--doNotDelete] [--deleteNotFinishedDirs]
                  [--resetAtime] [--keepAll timePeriod] [--keepWeekday entry]
                  [[--keepFirstOfYear] [--keepLastOfYear]
                   [--keepFirstOfMonth] [--keepLastOfMonth]
                   [--firstDayOfWeek day] [--keepFirstOfWeek]
                   [--keepLastOfWeek] [--keepDuplicate] [--keepMinNumber]
                    | [--keepRelative] ]
                  [-l logFile
                   [--plusLogStdout] [--suppressTime] [-m maxFilelen]
                   [[-n noOfOldFiles] | [--saveLogs]]
                   [--compressWith compressprog]]
                  [--logInBackupDir [--compressLogInBackupDir]
                   [--logInBackupDirFileName logFile]]
                  [otherBackupSeries ...]

You have to set at least two options: --sourceDir and --backupDir. It doesn't matter if you set them on the command line, in the configuration file or mixed.

Options which can be used only on command line: There is always a long option (like --file) and sometimes also a shortcut (-f).

Generate a long help message with a short description of all options.
--generate / -g
Generate a template for a configuration file. After generation, you can edit it with the editor of your choice. It is recommended to use the configuration file if you want to configure more than a simple backup.
Print the options used (from command line and from the configuration file) and stop after printing the options. In case of difficult quoting (especially on the command line) this gives you the chance to see what's really used in the program.
--file / -f
Name of the configuration file you want to use when calling for a backup run.
--checkCompr / -C
If you just want to run a simple backup and do not want to rely on the presets for ``exceptSuffix'' (which maybe not fit to your needs), use this option. It overwrites all settings for ``exceptSuffix'', ``addExceptSuffix'', ``minCompressSize'' and ``comprRule''.
If you use this option, will check if compression makes sense for all files bigger than 1k.

Heinz-Josef Claes 2014-04-20