
TODODocumentation:SDX applications classes.


Interface Summary
Query Interface pour toutes les classes qui representent des requetes de recherche.

Class Summary
AbstractQuery Abstract class for basic SDX query functionalities.
CachingRewrittenQueryWrapper Simple wrapper for a Lucene query that collects all queries generated by calling rewrite on the original Lucene query and stores them in a BooleanQuery.
ComplexQuery A complex boolean query, reprenseted as a tree.
DateIntervalQuery A search for date intervals, opened or closed.
ExactFieldQuery Contains an exact acceptRequest on a term in a field.
FieldQuery A search acceptRequest by field.
LinearComplexQueryBuilder Helper class to build a ComplexQuery from a series of search criterias.
LinearQuery A linear query.
LuceneIndex Information and services related to a LuceneIndex.
RegexTerms A list of terms for a document base filtered against a regular expression.
RestrictedQuery A acceptRequest with the constraint that the results of this query must contain all the words present in the search acceptRequest.
ResultDocument A result document of a search.
ResultDocuments The documents which form an ordered list of search results.
Results The results of a search.
SDXRangeQuery SDXRangeQuery extends
SDXTermQuery SDXTermQuery extends
SearchLocations A list of LuceneIndex where searches can be made.
SimpleQuery A simple query.
SortSpecification Indications for sorting of search results.
TermInfo Information regarding a term of a search index
Terms A list of terms for a document base.

Package Description

TODODocumentation:SDX applications classes.

An SDX application is a unit of processing within SDX. An application can drive searches, have users, etc.

An application may index documents in one or more document bases, which then store the documents in one or more repositories.

The SDX framework is responsible for loading applications at startup time. An application is described in an XML configuration file.

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