Package pygsear :: Module Widget :: Class VProgressBar
[show private | hide private]
[frames | no frames]

Class VProgressBar

object --+                    
    Sprite --+                
      Drawable --+            
             Shape --+        
             Rectangle --+    
                Widget --+    
               ProgressBar --+

Method Summary
  __init__(self, w, steps, position, color, width, height, fill)
  set_steps(self, steps)
    Inherited from ProgressBar
  set_color(self, color)
set the color of the bar
    Inherited from Widget
  nop(self, arg)
  set_callback(self, callback)
    Inherited from Rectangle
  border(self, width, color, left, right, top, bottom)
Draw a border around the rectangle
Change the color of the shape.
    Inherited from Drawable
bool can_see(self, target, blocking_rects_list)
Performs a los (line of sight) check from the center of the source to the center of the target.
  center(self, x, y, dx, dy)
Align the Drawable in its layer
  clear(self, surface)
Erase sprite to background
bool collide(self, other)
return True if this sprite and other sprite overlap.
Drawable or False collidelist(self, lothers)
return True if this sprite and any in list of others collide.
List collidelistall(self, lothers)
return True if this sprite and any in list of others collide.
  direction(self, point)
return the direction from the sprite to a point
  distance(self, point)
return the distance from the sprite to a point
  draw(self, surface)
Blit image to layer
return a copy of the sprite's position
return size of sprite's rect.
set position to next position on path
  nudge(self, dx, dy)
Move sprite.
  onscreen(self, slack, **kw)
return True if image is on the screen or layer.
stop moving along Path
  runPath(self, frames)
call move() continuously
  set_crect(self, crect)
set the collision pygame.Rect used for collision checking.
  set_path(self, path)
set which path to follow
  set_position(self, location, *args)
Move sprite to location.
  set_positionRandom(self, slack)
Move sprite to a random location on screen
  set_size(self, size)
Set size of sprite's rect.
  solid(self, other, move_both)
move sprite so that it does not overlap with other sprite
  stretch(self, dx, dy, size, keepAspectRatio)
Change the size of sprite's image, and rect.
  uclear(self, surface)
clear sprite and update display
  udraw(self, surface)
Draw image and update display.
start moving along Path
    Inherited from Sprite
  add(self, *groups)
add(group or list of of groups, ...) add a sprite to container
  add_internal(self, group)
alive() -> bool check to see if the sprite is in any groups
groups() -> list of groups list used sprite containers
kill() remove this sprite from all groups
  remove(self, *groups)
remove(group or list of groups, ...) remove a sprite from container
  remove_internal(self, group)
  update(self, *args)
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
    Inherited from type
  __new__(T, S, ...)
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Dec 9 14:11:19 2006