Package pygsear :: Module Path
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Module pygsear.Path

Ways for things to move around on screen
AccelerationPath Move according to vel and accel in pixels per second.
BounceCirclePath Move in a circle, reverse direction and go back.
BounceLinePath Starts here, goes there, then goes back again.
BrownianLinePath Line, with random motion superimposed.
BrownianPath Move in random directions
CirclePath Move in a circle.
ConcentricCirclePath Circles one inside of the other.
FigureEightPath Move in 2 connected circles, one clockwise, one ccw.
FilePath Set of points retrieved from a file.
LinePath Starts here, goes there, and stops.
ListPath Set of points fully created when instantiated.
Offset_path Follow another path, possibly moved over some.
Path A set of points.
PathNG Next-generation Path
RandomAccelerationPath Random motion.
RandomAccelerationPathBounded Random motion, with set location limits.
RandomOnscreen Move to random locations on screen.
SquareEightPath Two squares, one clockwise, one couterclockwise.
SquarePath Move in a square.
StationaryPath For things that do not move, but need to be moved sometimes
SuperPath Used to hold a series of other paths.
VelocityPath Move according to velocity in pixels per frame.
VelocityPathBounded VelocityPath with min/max x and y values.
VelocityPathTime Move according to velocity in pixels per second.
VelocityPathTimeBounded VelocityPathTime with min/max x and y values.

EndOfPath Raise at the end of a path.

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Dec 9 14:11:20 2006