Package pygsear :: Module Screen :: Class Layer
[show private | hide private]
[frames | no frames]

Class Layer

Known Subclasses:
Layer, Window

Holds foreground and background pygame surfaces
Method Summary
  __init__(self, size)
  border(self, width, color, left, right, top, bottom)
Draw a border around the screen
Clear the screen.
  set_background(self, filename, img, tilename, tile, color)
Set the background.

Method Details

border(self, width=10, color=(255, 255, 255), left=None, right=None, top=None, bottom=None)

Draw a border around the screen

Each border width can be specified separately, or if not specified, will default to using width. Specify width of 0 for no border on a particular side.
width - Pixel width of border. If only width is passed, an equal width border will be drawn around the entire screen.
color - Color of border.
left - Left-side border width.
right - Right-side border width.
top - Top-side border width.
bottom - Bottom-side border width


Clear the screen.

Makes the foreground surface match the background.

set_background(self, filename=None, img=None, tilename=None, tile=None, color=None)

Set the background.

Must include just one of the keyword args:
  • set_background(filename) (filename is a string) full size background image, should fill the screen
  • set_background(img) (img is a pygame Surface) full size background image, should fill the screen
  • set_background(tilename) (filename is a string) image tile will fill screen automatically
  • set_background(tile) (tile is a pygame Surface) image tile will fill screen automatically
  • set_background(color=(R, G, B)) background will be filled with color (an RGB tuple)
filename - Name of the full-screen background image.
img - Full-screen background image. (pygame Surface)
tilename - Name of tile image.
tile - Tile image. (pygame Surface)
color - Solid background color.

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Dec 9 14:11:20 2006