Package pygsear :: Module Event :: Class TIMEOUT_Event
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Class TIMEOUT_Event

object --+        
    Sprite --+    
         Event --+

Method Summary
  __init__(self, delay, count, callback, keepalive, **kwargs)
Initialize a TIMEOUT Event
  call(self, pygame_event, **kwargs)
Make the Event callback, then either count down calls or disable.
Reset the Event to its initial state.
  set_count(self, count)
  tick(self, ticks)
Count down ticks until time to call.
    Inherited from Event
  add(self, group)
Add this Event to an EventGroup.
Do not allow callbacks to go through.
Allow callbacks to go through.
  nop(self, ev, **kwargs)
Do nothing.
    Inherited from Sprite
  add_internal(self, group)
alive() -> bool check to see if the sprite is in any groups
groups() -> list of groups list used sprite containers
kill() remove this sprite from all groups
  remove(self, *groups)
remove(group or list of groups, ...) remove a sprite from container
  remove_internal(self, group)
  update(self, *args)
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
x.__str__() <==> str(x)
    Inherited from type
  __new__(T, S, ...)
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T

Method Details

__init__(self, delay, count=1, callback=None, keepalive=False, **kwargs)

Initialize a TIMEOUT Event

Note that using a TIMEOUT_Event can conflict with too low a setting of conf.MAX_TICKS causing events to fire "too soon" on overloaded systems. (BUT this should be fixed now...)
delay - Time in milliseconds before firing the callback.
count - Number of times to repeat the event. A count of -1 indicates that the event should repeat forever.
callback - Function or method to call when the event occurs.
keepalive - If True, do not kill the event when calling.
kwargs - Additional parameters that should be passed on to the callback.

call(self, pygame_event, **kwargs)

Make the Event callback, then either count down calls or disable.

If the count on this Event reaches 0, it will be Event.disabled. If keepalive is False it will also be pygame.sprite.Sprite.killed. Note that this means it will have to be added to your EventGroup again if you want to re-use the Event. This was done to avoid ending up with many disabled events in the event group.
pygame_event - Pygame event making the call. NOT USED If called from tick. Instead it will be passed None.
kwargs - Additional parameters that should be passed on to the callback.


Reset the Event to its initial state.

tick(self, ticks)

Count down ticks until time to call.
ticks - Number of ticks since last checked.

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Dec 9 14:11:20 2006