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Processing Kernel for geospatial data
A binary package of pktools for Debian is maintained by Francesco Paolo Lovergine and available in the repository. You can install it using the advanced package tool (apt):
The version in the repository might not be the latest available (please check the packages overview). The latest version of pktools can always be installed via the installation script or from the source code using a manual installation.
Users working with Debian based distributions (e.g., Ubuntu) can download install_pktools.sh. This script will automatically download the latest release of pktools and dependencies. You need an internet connection when running the script (as root or sudo):
For a manual installation, download the latest release from Savannah
Optionally: check the release md5sum to ensure originality.
The result should be identical to the content of the corresponding md5 file you downloaded.
Unpack the tar zip file
You can install pktools via
Notice that "autotools" (configure, make, make install) is deprecated from version 2.6.7, please use cmake instead
packages to install before pktools
Example on how to install required packages in Debian based system (using apt-get):
To enable program pkoptsvm
Install additional package
Example on how to install required packages in Debian based system (using apt-get):
Note: currently, the repository seems not to include this package anymore and manual installation is required (see also http://ab-initio.mit.edu/wiki/index.php/NLopt#Download_and_installation)
To enable programs pkann and pkfsann
Install package
Example on how to install required packages in Debian based system (using apt-get):
Install pktools with extra cmake option -DBUILD_WITH_FANN=ON
To enable program pklas2img
Install additional packages:
Example on how to install required packages in Debian based system (using apt-get):
Or install manually as explained in http://www.liblas.org/compilation.html#using-unix-makefiles-on-linux
! Note that if you want support for compressed las format (LAZ), you need to install laszip first (http://www.laszip.org) and install liblas manually
In order to have ccmake look for the newly installed version in /usr/local/bin, I had to (on a Debian/Ubuntu based system):