[orm-devel] What do you think should go into 1.0?

Diedrich Vorberg orm-devel@mailman.tux4web.de
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 15:22:26 +0100

Hi Eric

>> Are there any 
>> features you keep avoiding because you can't rely on them?  Or because
> > they didn't work as you expected?
>I'm still unable to use column type 'float' but it is working for me to 
>just use varchar instead.  I admit that I haven't tried to understand 
>why it isn't working for me.  But, varchar column type does work for me 
>for now, so I'm just going to stick with it until I *have* to learn the 
>details of the float column type.  :P
Could you be more specifc with this? Could you send me your CREATE 
statement and the the column class as you'd like it to look. Also 
please describe with a view words the behaviour you'd expect/like to 
see and the one you get.

I don't even use float columns, I've repleced them with integer(), 
because I store monetary values (in cents, this was before I wrote 
the FixedPoint thing).


           _..._                            Diedrich Vorberg
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