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getAbstractWeights - return the values of the abstract weights


function getAbstractWeights(neuronId);
function getAbstractWeights(weightsId, baseIndex, count);


The first implementation is used to get all the weights from the abstract neuron with id neuronId.

The second implementation is used to get the values of the abstract weights with id weightsId. Argument count determines how many weights will be returned, starting from baseIndex.


getAbstractWeights returns an array of numeric values.


To get all the weights from the abstract neuron:

connectors = createAbstractConnectors(3);
weights = createAbstractWeights(2);
procUnit = createProcUnit(PROC_UNIT.WEIGHTED_SUM);
actFunc = createActFunc(ACT_FUNC.LINEAR, 1.0, 0.0);

-- Create neuron with external weights;
neuron1 = createAbstractNeuron(2, {0, 1}, connectors, 2, weights, 0, procUnit, actFunc);
setAbstractWeights(weights, 0, {2.5, 7.0});
values = getAbstractWeights(neuron1); -- {2.5, 7.0}

-- Create neuron with built-in weights;
neuron2 = createAbstractNeuron(2, {0, 1}, connectors, 2, 0, 0, procUnit, actFunc);
setAbstractWeights(neuron2, {3.5, 8.0});
values = getAbstractWeights(neuron2); -- {3.5, 8.0}

To get the values of the abstract weights:

weights = createAbstractWeights(5);
setAbstractWeights(weights, 0, {0.0, 2.0, 5.5, 1.0, 7.0});
values = getAbstractWeights(weights, 3, 0); -- {}
values = getAbstractWeights(weights, 0, 2); -- {0.0, 2.0}
values = getAbstractWeights(weights, 2, 1); -- {5.5}
values = getAbstractWeights(weights, 3, 2); -- {1.0, 7.0}
values = getAbstractWeights(weights, 0, 5); -- {0.0, 2.0, 5.5, 1.0, 7.0}


createAbstractWeights, setAbstractWeights

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Send suggestions, questions and bug reports to neurowombatmail@gmail.com
Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Andrew Timashov