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createActFunc - create object that represents an activation function


function createActFunc(actFunc);
function createActFunc(actFunc, p1);
function createActFunc(actFunc, p1, p2);
function createActFunc(actFunc, p1, p2, p3);
function createActFunc(actFunc, p1, p2, p3, p4);
function createActFunc(actFunc, luaFunction, luaDerivative);


The first five implementations are used to create predefined activation functions. Argument actFunc determines function type and how many parameters from p1, p2, p3, p4 does it need. Do not pass less parameters than required.

The last implementation is for custom activation functions. In this case, actFunc must be set to ACT_FUNC.CUSTOM, while luaFunction and luaDerivative must refer to Lua functions, both taking one numeric argument and returning one numeric value. These Lua functions are used to evaluate activation function and it's derivative.


Upon successful completion, createActFunc returns a unique id of newly created object. Otherwise, 0 is returned.


Try to work with predefined activation functions, if possible. Using of custom functions significantly slows down overall performance.

Don't forget to call closeId function to release the object when it is no longer needed.


To create sigmoid activation function:

sigmoidActFunc = createActFunc(ACT_FUNC.SIGMOID, 1.0);

To create f(x) = x activation function:

linearActFunc = createActFunc(ACT_FUNC.LINEAR, 1.0, 0.0);

To create f(x) = cos(x) activation function:

function customEval(x)
   return math.cos(x);

function customDirEval(x)
   return -math.sin(x);

customActFunc = createActFunc(ACT_FUNC.CUSTOM, customEval, customDirEval);


ACT_FUNC, createAbstractNeuron, createDigitalNeuron, closeId

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Send suggestions, questions and bug reports to neurowombatmail@gmail.com
Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Andrew Timashov