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COEFF_USAGE - coefficient usage enumeration


COEFF_USAGE = setmetatable({}, {
   __index = {
      NOP = 0,         -- Do not use the coefficient;
      ADD_TO = 1,      -- Add the coefficient to the result;
      MUL_BY = 2,      -- Multiply the result by the coefficient;
      SUB_IT_FROM = 3, -- Subtract the coefficient from the result;
      SUB_FROM_IT = 4, -- Subtract the result from the coefficient;
      DIV_IT_BY = 5,   -- Divide the coefficient by the result;
      DIV_BY_IT = 6    -- Divide the result by the coefficient;
   __newindex = function() print( "Error!!!" ); end;


The object provides a set of read-only numeric fields, each of which corresponds to a particular coefficient usage.


createProcUnit, Neuron types

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Send suggestions, questions and bug reports to neurowombatmail@gmail.com
Copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Andrew Timashov