Index of values

edit_file [Mp3tagui]
Make the user edit the tag of the given file.
edit_tag_v1 [Mp3tagui]
Make the user edit the given v1 tag in a window with the given title.
edit_tag_v2 [Mp3tagui]
Make the user edit the given v2 tag in a window with the given title.

genre_of_string [Mp3tag]
Get the genre id from the given genre string.
genres [Mp3tag]
The list of genre names.

has_tag [Mp3tag.Id3v1]
Check if the given file has a id3 v1.1 tag.

info [Mp3tag]
Return information on the given MP3 file.

merge [Mp3tag.Id3v2]
Merge two tags.
merge [Mp3tag.Id3v1]
Merge two tags.

no_tag [Mp3tag.Id3v2]
The empty tag.
no_tag [Mp3tag.Id3v1]
The empty tag.

read [Mp3tag.Id3v2]
Read the tags in a mp3 file.
read [Mp3tag.Id3v1]
Read the tags in a mp3 file.
read_both_as_v1 [Mp3tag]
Get a v1 tag from the v1 and v2 tags of the given file.
read_both_as_v2 [Mp3tag]
Get a v2 tag from the v1 and v2 tags of the given file.

string_of_genre [Mp3tag]
Get the genre string from the given genre id.

v1_of_v2 [Mp3tag]
v2_of_v1 [Mp3tag]

write [Mp3tag.Id3v2]
Write the given tag structure into the given file.
write [Mp3tag.Id3v1]
Write the given tag structure into the given file.
write_both_v1 [Mp3tag]
Write the given v1 tag to the v1 and v2 tags of the given file.
write_both_v2 [Mp3tag]
Write the given v2 tag to the v1 and v2 tags of the given file.