Module Mp3tag.Id3v2

module Id3v2: sig  end
Reading and writing id3 v2.3 tags.

type tag = (string * string) list 
val read : string -> tag
Read the tags in a mp3 file.
Raises Sys_error if an error occurs while opening the file.
Returns the list of information or [] if no information was found.
val write : tag -> ?src:string -> string -> unit
Write the given tag structure into the given file.
Raises Sys_error if an error occurs with the file.

src : the optional source filename, if it is different from the filename.
val merge : tag -> tag -> tag
Merge two tags. merge t1 t2 return a new tag where values in t1 have been replaced by the ones in t2 when they are defined in t2.
val no_tag : tag
The empty tag.