@xref tag

This tag can be used to insert a link to a @section tag, @label tag, @index tag or @bib tag. The target name is not case sensitive and spaces are ignored.

The default link text is the name of the targeted section, which might not match the provided target name when either case is different or a label is involved.

A link text can be provided. When present but empty, the target name is used as text.

See also @xsee tag and @hl tag.

Syntax [link] 

@xref {<target section or label name>} [{<link text>}]

Examples [link] 

This is covered in the @xref {Introduction} section.
Some @xref {Testsuite}{tests} are provided.
A @xref {Testsuite}{testsuite} is provided.
A @xref {testsuite}{} is provided.

@section {Testsuite}
@end section
This yields the name of the @xref {foo}{} label which
points to a section named @xref {foo}.

@section {Bar}
@label {Foo}
@end section
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