@throw tag

This tag starts a free or member function exception specification. Exception list will be put where the first @throw tag appears. If there is no text before this tag in the current paragraph, a "Exception list:" line will be inserted before the list.

Exception description ends on next paragraph boundary and does not need an @end tag. Paragraph boundaries occur on empty lines or on non inline tags.

Syntax [link] 

@throw <exception type> <exception cause>
[ @throw <exception type> <exception cause> ]
<end of comment or empty line>

Examples [link] 

These declarations:

@This copies the content of a buffer to another one. Destination
buffer must at least have the size of the source buffer.

@throw std::length_error if the destination buffer length is insufficient.

void copy_ex(char *dst, size_t dlen, const char *src, size_t slen);

@This inserts the given element in the container and may throw the
following exceptions:
@throw std::logic_error if the container is not initialized before
inserting an element.

template < typename Cnt >
void insert_ex(Cnt &cnt, typename Cnt::value_type const &val);

generates the following member details:

void copy_ex(char *dst, size_t dlen, const char *src, size_t slen) [link] 

This function is declared in doc/examples.h source file, line 119.

This function copies the content of a buffer to another one. Destination buffer must at least have the size of the source buffer.

Exception list:

  • std::length_error if the destination buffer length is insufficient.

template <> void insert_ex(Cnt &cnt, Cnt::value_type const&val) [link] 

This template function is declared in doc/examples.h source file, line 128.

This template function inserts the given element in the container and may throw the following exceptions:

  • std::logic_error if the container is not initialized before inserting an element.
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