@see tag
This tag can be used to add a symbol reference in the next "See also" sentence.
No text is inserted where the tag lies. All pending @xsee tag and @see tags are flushed in a single sentence at the end of the section. @insert see can be used to force flush.
The @csee tag can be used as a bidirectional @see tag. When used in a section to reference a symbol documentation, both sections will have a "See also" sentence pointing to each other.
See also @xsee tag, @cref tag and @scope tag.
Syntax [link]
@see <identifier>
@see {<identifier> [, <identifier> , ...] }
See the symbol identifiers section for identifier format.
Example [link]
This declaration:
This function display some formated text.
@see {fprintf, sprintf}
@see snprintf
@xsee {How to display text}
int printf(const char *format, ...);
generates the following member details:
int printf(const char *format, ...) [link]
This function is declared in doc/examples.h source file, line 156.
This function display some formated text.
See also fprintf, sprintf, snprintf and How to display text.