This document lists all public versions, the date they were released on and the changes they contain. For more information about LyXBlogger visit the main page index.html.
Version 0.39
Fixed bug where LyXBlogger would crash when a LyX 2.0 file, exported as LyXHTML, was called by LyXBlogger from another directory.
Version 0.38
svn: 528+
Multiple categories per post by entering as 1,2
Interactively saves each blog profile as you use it
Each profile can be saved with or without a plain text password
Ships with eLyXer 1.0.4
Version 0.37
svn: 490
Fixed a bug from 0.36 where images were not showing up
Modified text prompts
Slimmed down the interactive testing module
Added a slight delay after Copyright information displays
Version 0.36
svn: 484
Allows updating of previous posts
Retrieves previous post headers from server
Option to display all previous post titles if desired post is not in most recent nine
Clarified userguide as to which machine (client or server) requires which software
Improved exception handling by looking for specific exceptions in try / except statements
Adds unit tests for exception handlers
Changed download link in docs to point to no-redirect site
Implemented multiple test scenarios in
USER DEFINED VARIABLES now takes plain urls, without the ’/xmlrpc.php’ ending
Version 0.35
svn 449
Added exception handling for common exceptions.
Added short, meaningful error messages for when Internet is not available, domain is invalid, username/password mismatch, and called without sufficient args.
LyXBlogger window displays “LyXBlogger” as its window title.
Window stays open on Microsoft Windows, even when an exception is thrown.
On any supported operating system, ENTER closes the LyXBlogger window when done.
Changed the names of two directories used for testing to use extended Latin characters instead of cyrillic characters. This fixed a bug where one could not unzip on a Windows filesystem. is cleaner, and can handle general imports like “from socket import gaierror”.
Added unit testing for
Version 0.34
svn: 429
Converted documentation model to include LyX masters in docs/raw and html exports in docs.
Put everything from original wiki page into documentation.
Now includes a user guide, development guide.
Changed images used in examples to public domain images.
LyXBlogger now looks for input file content, rather than input file extension, to determine which converter was used to produce it.
Informs user of whichever supported format user is not using.
Added unit tests to file-type-checking code.
Added instructions in development guide on how to call as a script if desired.
Changed directory structure of example docs
Changed md5sums for basic_blog.html annd basic_blog.xhtml
Added to be able to test in interactive mode.
Unit tests now run on Python 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6 consecutively.
Changed distribution model so that all unit tests must pass before executable module is constructed.
Renamed internal variables related to relative directory locations so code is more understandable.
Moved hosting to
Moved functional code inside main() and only call main if __name__ == ’__main__’ This makes sure that you can run __import__(’lyxblogger’) without lib/ crashing
Updated instructions on how to configure LyX 2.0 to use eLyXer as its default LyX -> xhtml converter
Version 0.33b (Beta release only — non production)
Changed name from LyxBlogger to LyXBlogger
Moved wiki page to
Module filename changed to
Uses to create python file from several smaller modules
Includes some unit testing
Release is now in compressed format
License header added to all files make file included
Includes two setup options. Default includes elyxer and wordpresslib
Organization of source code structure
Added license headers on all text files
Version 0.33a (Alpha release only — non production)
Added support for Microsoft Windows.
Now works on at least three platforms: GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows.
More specifically: tested on Ubuntu 9.10, OSX, and Vista 32-bit.
Provides different instructions for closing the windows based on os detection.
In this version, LyXBlogger installs as a python module instead of as an executable.
Name of python module in this version was not lyxblogger, but subsequent versions revert to lyxblogger.
Changed license to GNU General Public License version 3.
Version 0.32
MODELS: models will remain the same as those shown for 0.31 unless otherwise noted.
Removes "Converted document" string used by eLyXer for blogs with no other title.
Added error checking to make sure title isn’t inadvertently posted twice.
Prompts user whether to use default credentials or enter new ones.
Test site moved to
Converted print() statements to sys.stdout.write instead of print() in order to facilitate an automated test suite.
Changed documentation model to include README.html, which is a snapshot in time of the LyXBlogger wiki page.
Version 0.31
LyX --> LyXHTML --> filters --> XML-RPC
LyX --> eLyXer --> filters --> XML-RPC
Added support for eLyXer created documents.
Automatically detects input format based on file type (.xhtml = LyXHTML, .html = eLyXer)
Improved documentation for implementing as a converter.
Includes a username and password to do test posting to
Version 0.30
svn: ???
MODEL: LyX --> LyXHTML --> filters --> XML-RPC
First release of LyXBlogger using XML-RPC
Uses input from LyX 2.0 (internal) LyXHTML format.
Uploads both text and images to server Allows user to be prompted for credentions or to save them in file
Spawns its own xterm window to display error messages
Retrieves category list from server and allows selection of one category.
Retains option for CUT_FLAG (ignores anything belows the CUT_FLAG)
Removes title from body and uses it as the post title
Version 0.20
svn: ???
MODEL: LyX --> LyXHTML --> filters --> Xclip
Same as Version 0.15 except: Uses LyX 2.0 (internal) LyXHTML format
Version 0.15
svn: ???
MODEL: LyX --> eLyXer --> filters --> Xclip
Mostly the same as 0.05 except that eLyXer is being used for html
CUT_FLAG is implemented (ignores anything below the CUT_FLAG)
Removes arrows from eLyXer footnote references.
Version 0.05
svn: ???
MODEL: LyX --> TtH --> filters --> Xclip
Original prototype of LyXBlogger which used Xclip.
Takes the output from TtH, stripped unneeded content, and copied the resulting html code to the clipboard using Xclip.
This allowed a user to easily paste code into a browser-based blog composition window.