UserItem class reference
[Model/View module]


#include <QtLua/UserItem>

namespace QtLua {
class UserItem;

This class is a member of the QtLua namespace.


This class together with the UserListItem and UserItemModel classes enable easy use of list or hierarchical data structures that can be viewed and modified from lua script, Qt view widgets and C++ code.

This class implement the generic hierarchical data structure leaf node. It must be used as a base class for objects which may be exposed to Qt views via the UserItemModel class.

UserItem objects can be inserted in and removed from UserListItem objects from the C++ code with the UserItem::insert and UserItem::remove functions.

Each UserItem object have a node name used for display in Qt views and access from lua script. This name can be accessed from C++ code with the UserItem::get_name and UserItem::set_name functions.

Each data structure modification by lua script or user view interaction may be allowed or denied by reimplemention of UserItem::is_move_allowed, UserItem::is_rename_allowed, UserItem::is_remove_allowed, and UserItem::is_replace_allowed functions.

See UserItemModel for example.


Inherited members  



Protected functions  

Members detail  

UserItem(const String &name = "")  

Create a new UserItem with given name

UserItem(const UserItem &item)  

No documentation available


No documentation available

typedef Ref<const UserItem, UserItem> const_ptr  

Shortcut for Ref smart pointer class to UserItem type provided for convenience

void data_changed(int column = 0) const  

This member access is protected.

Make model emit QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged signal for this item

virtual QVariant get_data(int column, int role) const  

This member access is protected.

May be reimplemented for column > 0, see QAbstractItemModel::data.

virtual Qt::ItemFlags get_flags(int column) const  

This member access is protected.

May be reimplemented for column > 0, see QAbstractItemModel::flags.

virtual QIcon & get_icon() const  

This member access is protected.

Must return icon decoration to use for this node.

UserItemModel * get_model() const  

Get associated UserItemModel

QModelIndex get_model_index(int column = 0) const  

const String & get_name() const  

Get item name

UserListItem * get_parent() const  

Get pointer to parent container

int get_row() const  

This member access is protected.

Get child position in parent item

void insert(const Ref<UserListItem> &parent, int pos = -1)  

Insert this item in parent container, remove from existing parent if any.

virtual bool is_move_allowed() const  

This member access is protected.

Must return true if item can change parent containers. (default is true)

virtual bool is_remove_allowed() const  

This member access is protected.

Must return true if item can be removed from container. (default is true)

virtual bool is_rename_allowed() const  

This member access is protected.

Must return true if item can renamed. (default is true)

virtual bool is_replace_allowed() const  

This member access is protected.

Must return true if item can be removed by replacement by an other item (default is is_remove_allowed())

void move(const Ref<UserListItem> &parent)  

This function is deprecated.

The as UserItem::insert.

typedef Ref<UserItem, UserItem> ptr  

Shortcut for Ref smart pointer class to UserItem type provided for convenience

void remove()  

Remove this item from its container

virtual bool set_data(int column, int role)  

This member access is protected.

May be reimplemented for column > 0, see QAbstractItemModel::setData.

void set_name(const String &name)  

Set item name. Name may be mangled to be a valid lua identifier.

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