QListProxyRo<QListProxy::Container> internal class members
This constructor is declared in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 50.
Create a QListProxy object with no attached container
This constructor is declared in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 52.
Create a QListProxy object and attach given container
This variable is declared in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 91.
This member access is protected.
This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 64.
This member access is private.
This virtual function overrides the completion_patch
virtual function defined in the UserData
base class.
Documentation inherited from base class:
This function may be reimplemented to further modify completion result on console line when completed to a UserData value. This is usefull to append a dot or a pair of brackets access operator to the userdata value name for instance.
Parameters list:
- path: Completion result tables path to userdata value.
- entry: Completion result userdata name. May append to this string directly.
- offset: Cursor offset. May be decreased to place cursor between inserted brackets for instance.
typedef Ref<const QListProxyRo, QListProxyRo> const_ptr
This typedef is declared in QTLUA_REFTYPE function like macro expansion, line 3 in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 47.
Shortcut for Ref smart pointer class to QListProxyRo type provided for convenience
virtual String get_type_name() const
This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 65.
This member access is private.
This virtual function overrides the get_type_name
virtual function defined in the UserData
base class.
Documentation inherited from base class:
This function returns an object type name. The default implementation returns the C++ object type name. This is used for error messages and pretty printing.
The return value is Pretty print object type.
This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 58.
This virtual function overrides the meta_contains
virtual function defined in the UserData
base class.
Documentation inherited from base class:
This function returns true if either the ValueBase::OpIndex operation or the ValueBase::OpNewindex operation is supported and an entry is associated to the given key.
The default implementation returns !meta_index(ls, key).is_nil() or false if UserData::meta_index throws.
This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 57.
This virtual function overrides the meta_index
virtual function defined in the UserData
base class.
Documentation inherited from base class:
This function is called when a table read access operation is attempted on a userdata object. The default implementation throws an error message. The UserData::support function must be reimplemented along with this function to report ValueBase::OpIndex as supported.
Parameters list:
- key: Value used as table index.
The return value is Table access result value.
This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 60.
This virtual function overrides the meta_operation
virtual function defined in the UserData
base class.
Documentation inherited from base class:
This function is called when a lua operator is used with a UserData object. The default implementation throws an error message. The UserData::support function must be reimplemented along with this function.
Parameters list:
- op: Specify invoked lua operator (see ValueBase::Operation).
- a: First value involved in operation.
- b: Second value involved in operation for binary operators.
The return value is Operation result value.
This virtual function is declared in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 59.
This virtual function overrides the new_iterator
virtual function defined in the UserData
base class.
Documentation inherited from base class:
This function may return an Iterator object used to iterate over an userdata object. The default implementation throws an error message. The UserData::support function must be reimplemented along with this function to report ValueBase::OpIterate as supported.
The return value is an Iterator based iterator object.
typedef Ref<QListProxyRo, QListProxyRo> ptr
This typedef is declared in QTLUA_REFTYPE function like macro expansion, line 5 in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 47.
Shortcut for Ref smart pointer class to QListProxyRo type provided for convenience
This function is declared in QtLua/qtluaqlistproxy.hh source file, line 55.
Attach or detach container. argument may be NULL