- Soon: New Jcurzez release.
I'm currently writing autoconf/automake macros to ease
compilation of Jcurzez. The next to come release won't
use ant anymore, nor log4j.(Sorry, don't have much spare
time these days).
- February 16, 2003: New website.
- January 28, 2003: Jcurzez is alive!
After more than a year, I've decided to improve Jcurzez to make it
easier to use. Future features are:
- API improvement. Jcurzez should provide a per thread
view of windows so that locking is not needed
- keyboard and mouse support
- S-Lang support
- Make Jcurzez UTF-8 compliant
In the meantime, I'm trying to make Jcurzez work
on {Free, Net, Open}BSD.
- November 15, 2001: Jcurzez 0.0.4 is available.
Many thread-safety bug fixes. Jcurzez now can display
borders (ansi and curses version).
N.B: binary Windows version is broken.
It needs DLL library recompilation.
Last modified: Thu Apr 17 10:03:33 CEST 2003