IPSUR - About

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What IPSUR is:

IPSUR is a textbook written for an undergraduate course in probability and statistics. The approximate prerequisites are two or three semesters of calculus and some linear algebra in a few places. Attendees of the class typically include mathematics, engineering, and computer science majors.

IPSUR is FREE, in the GNU sense of the word. Hard copies of the first edition are available for purchase here from Lulu. You may be able to get it cheaper by downloading an electronic copy and printing it out yourself. Hard copies of the third edition will be available in due course.

IPSUR development has been happening on and off since 2006, yet there are many important topics, examples, and exercises still missing from the book. I will add them as time permits.

Author: G. Jay Kerns, Youngstown State University

Email: gkerns@ysu.edu

Created: 2018-08-30 Thu 10:48
