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GObject ╰── AgsRecall ╰── AgsRecallAudio ╰── AgsFxNotationAudio ├── AgsFxDssiAudio ├── AgsFxFMSynthAudio ├── AgsFxLv2Audio ├── AgsFxSFZSynthAudio ├── AgsFxSynthAudio ├── AgsFxSF2SynthAudio ╰── AgsFxVst3Audio
gboolean ags_fx_notation_audio_test_flags (AgsFxNotationAudio *fx_notation_audio
,guint flags
Test flags
of fx_notation_audio
Since: 3.3.0
void ags_fx_notation_audio_set_flags (AgsFxNotationAudio *fx_notation_audio
,guint flags
Set flags
of fx_notation_audio
Since: 3.3.0
void ags_fx_notation_audio_unset_flags (AgsFxNotationAudio *fx_notation_audio
,guint flags
Unset flags
of fx_notation_audio
Since: 3.3.0
(AgsFxNotationAudio *fx_notation_audio
Get pattern mode of fx_notation_audio
Since: 3.3.0
void ags_fx_notation_audio_set_pattern_mode (AgsFxNotationAudio *fx_notation_audio
,gboolean pattern_mode
Set pattern_mode
of fx_notation_audio
Since: 3.3.0
(AgsFxNotationAudio *fx_notation_audio
Get note 256th mode of fx_notation_audio
Since: 6.1.0
void ags_fx_notation_audio_set_note_256th_mode (AgsFxNotationAudio *fx_notation_audio
,gboolean note_256th_mode
Set note_256th_mode
of fx_notation_audio
Since: 6.1.0
GList *
ags_fx_notation_audio_get_feed_note (AgsFxNotationAudio *fx_notation_audio
Get feed note of fx_notation_audio
Since: 3.3.0
void ags_fx_notation_audio_add_feed_note (AgsFxNotationAudio *fx_notation_audio
,AgsNote *note
Add note
to fx_notation_audio
Since: 3.3.0
void ags_fx_notation_audio_remove_feed_note (AgsFxNotationAudio *fx_notation_audio
,AgsNote *note
Remove note
from fx_notation_audio
Since: 3.3.0
AgsFxNotationAudio *
ags_fx_notation_audio_new (AgsAudio *audio
Create a new instance of AgsFxNotationAudio
Since: 3.3.0
property“bpm” AgsPort *
The beats per minute.
Owner: AgsFxNotationAudio
Flags: Read / Write
Since: 3.3.0
property“delay” AgsPort *
The notation's delay.
Owner: AgsFxNotationAudio
Flags: Read / Write
Since: 3.3.0
property“duration” AgsPort *
The notation's duration.
Owner: AgsFxNotationAudio
Flags: Read / Write
Since: 3.3.0
property“loop” AgsPort *
Do loop.
Owner: AgsFxNotationAudio
Flags: Read / Write
Since: 3.3.0
property“loop-end” AgsPort *
The notation's loop-end.
Owner: AgsFxNotationAudio
Flags: Read / Write
Since: 3.3.0
property“loop-start” AgsPort *
The notation's loop-start.
Owner: AgsFxNotationAudio
Flags: Read / Write
Since: 3.3.0
property“tact” AgsPort *
The tact segmentation.
Owner: AgsFxNotationAudio
Flags: Read / Write
Since: 3.3.0