namespace GEDCOMParser

This package handles the GEDCOM 5.5 format ; full specifications for GEDCOM 5.5 format are available here

class Address
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 ADDRESS_STRUCTURE structure
class Association
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 ASSOCIATION_STRUCTURE structure
class ChangeDate
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 CHANGE_DATE structure
class ChildToFamilyLink
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 CHILD_TO_FAMILY_LINK structure
class Data
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 data structure (used in the HEADER structure)
class Event
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 EVENT_DETAIL structure
class FamilyEvent
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 FAMILY_EVENT_STRUCTURE structure
class FamilyRecord
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 FAMILY_RECORD structure
class Header
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 HEADER structure
class IndividualAttribute
class IndividualEvent
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 INDIVIDUAL_EVENT_STRUCTURE structure
class IndividualRecord
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 INDIVIDUAL_RECORD structure
class LdsIndividualOrdinance
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 LDS_INDIVIDUAL_ORDINANCE structure
class LdsSpouseSealing
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 LDS_SPOUSE_SEALING structure
class LineageLinkageGedcom
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 LINEAGE_LINKED_GEDCOM structure
class MultimediaLink
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 MULTIMEDIA_LINK structure
class MultimediaRecord
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 MULTIMEDIA_RECORD structure
class NoteRecord
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 NOTE_RECORD structure
class NoteStructure
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 NOTE_STRUCTURE structure
class PersonalName
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 PERSONAL_NAME_STRUCTURE structure
class Place
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 PLACE_STRUCTURE structure
class RepositoryRecord
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 REPOSITORY_RECORD structure
class SourceCitation
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 SOURCE_CITATION structure
class SourceRecord
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 SOURCE_RECORD structure
class SourceRepositoryCitation
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 SOURCE_REPOSITORY_CITATION structure
class SpouseToFamilyLink
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 SPOUSE_TO_FAMILY_LINK structure
class Submission
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 SUBMISSION_RECORD structure
class SubmitterRecord
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 SUBMITTER_RECORD structure
class UserReference
Implements the USER REFERENCE members of many structures in the GEDCOM 5.5 specifications (for instance INDIVIDUAL_RECORD)
namespace DateManagement
Implements the dates management (essentially parsing) in GEDCOM files


This package handles the GEDCOM 5.5 format ; full specifications for GEDCOM 5.5 format are available here

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