namespace GEDCOMParser::DateManagement

Implements the dates management (essentially parsing) in GEDCOM files

class DateValue
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 DATE_VALUE primitive element
class Date
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 DATE primitive element The GEDCOM 5.5 specifications are extensed to manage french years with roman notation. The specification is now : DATE_FREN: = {Size=4:35} [ <YEAR_FREN> | <MONTH_FREN> <YEAR_FREN> | <DAY> <MONTH_FREN> <YEAR_FREN> | <YEAR> | <MONTH_FREN> <YEAR> | <DAY> <MONTH_FREN> <YEAR> ] YEAR_FREN: = [ AN | an | <NULL> ] ROMAN_NUMBER_YEAR ROMAN_NUMBER_YEAR:= [ I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi | vii | viii | ix | x | xi | xii | xiii | xiv] For more details about French Republican calendar check Genealogy in France: Republican Calendar
class DatePhrase
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 DATE_PHRASE primitive element
class Period
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 DATE_PERIOD primitive element
class Range
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 DATE_RANGE primitive element


Implements the dates management (essentially parsing) in GEDCOM files

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