Addresses is a versatile Address Book application and framework.
Current version: 0.5.0, released: 2025-02-12
Addresses for GNUstep is a versatile address book application for managing contact information. It stores addresses, phone numbers, pictures, instant messaging information, email, homepages and whatever.
Addresses is also a framework that allows access to the addresses database in a way that is sourcecode-compatible with Apple's AddressBook.framework. It also contains a view framework to facilitate the construction of applications that use the contact database.
Addresses is currently being used by Ludovic Marcotte's GNUMail application, and also used by Philippe Roussel's
It has now found its official home here in GAP, after being developed by Bjoern Gieseler.
Feature wishlist:
The AddressManager while browsing:
While editing a Contact's details: