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seq.h File Reference

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typedef void(* fluid_event_callback_t )(unsigned int time, fluid_event_t *event, fluid_sequencer_t *seq, void *data)


FLUIDSYNTH_API fluid_sequencer_tnew_fluid_sequencer (void)
 Allocate a new sequencer structure. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API void delete_fluid_sequencer (fluid_sequencer_t *seq)
 Free the sequencer structure. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API short fluid_sequencer_register_client (fluid_sequencer_t *seq, char *name, fluid_event_callback_t callback, void *data)
 Register a client. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API void fluid_sequencer_unregister_client (fluid_sequencer_t *seq, short id)
 Unregister a previously registered client. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API int fluid_sequencer_count_clients (fluid_sequencer_t *seq)
 Returns the number of register clients. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API short fluid_sequencer_get_client_id (fluid_sequencer_t *seq, int index)
 Returns the id of a registered client (-1 if non existing). More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API char * fluid_sequencer_get_client_name (fluid_sequencer_t *seq, int id)
 Returns the name of a registered client, given its id. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API int fluid_sequencer_client_is_dest (fluid_sequencer_t *seq, int id)
 Returns 1 if client is a destination (has a callback). More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API void fluid_sequencer_send_now (fluid_sequencer_t *seq, fluid_event_t *evt)
 Sending an event immediately. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API int fluid_sequencer_send_at (fluid_sequencer_t *seq, fluid_event_t *evt, unsigned int time, int absolute)
 Schedule an event for later sending. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API void fluid_sequencer_remove_events (fluid_sequencer_t *seq, short source, short dest, int type)
 Remove events from the event queue. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API unsigned int fluid_sequencer_get_tick (fluid_sequencer_t *seq)
 Get the current tick. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API void fluid_sequencer_set_time_scale (fluid_sequencer_t *seq, double scale)
 Set the conversion from tick to absolute time. More...

FLUIDSYNTH_API double fluid_sequencer_get_time_scale (fluid_sequencer_t *seq)
 Set the conversion from tick to absolute time (ticks per second). More...

Define Documentation


Definition at line 98 of file seq.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* fluid_event_callback_t)(unsigned int time, fluid_event_t* event, fluid_sequencer_t* seq, void* data)

Definition at line 29 of file seq.h.

Function Documentation

FLUIDSYNTH_API void delete_fluid_sequencer fluid_sequencer_t   seq

Free the sequencer structure.

FLUIDSYNTH_API int fluid_sequencer_client_is_dest fluid_sequencer_t   seq,
int    id

Returns 1 if client is a destination (has a callback).

FLUIDSYNTH_API int fluid_sequencer_count_clients fluid_sequencer_t   seq

Returns the number of register clients.

FLUIDSYNTH_API short fluid_sequencer_get_client_id fluid_sequencer_t   seq,
int    index

Returns the id of a registered client (-1 if non existing).

FLUIDSYNTH_API char* fluid_sequencer_get_client_name fluid_sequencer_t   seq,
int    id

Returns the name of a registered client, given its id.

FLUIDSYNTH_API unsigned int fluid_sequencer_get_tick fluid_sequencer_t   seq

Get the current tick.

FLUIDSYNTH_API double fluid_sequencer_get_time_scale fluid_sequencer_t   seq

Set the conversion from tick to absolute time (ticks per second).

FLUIDSYNTH_API short fluid_sequencer_register_client fluid_sequencer_t   seq,
char *    name,
fluid_event_callback_t    callback,
void *    data

Register a client.

The registration returns a unique client ID (-1 if error)

FLUIDSYNTH_API void fluid_sequencer_remove_events fluid_sequencer_t   seq,
short    source,
short    dest,
int    type

Remove events from the event queue.

The events can be filtered on the source, the destination, and the type of the event. To avoid filtering, set either source, dest, or type to -1.

FLUIDSYNTH_API int fluid_sequencer_send_at fluid_sequencer_t   seq,
fluid_event_t   evt,
unsigned int    time,
int    absolute

Schedule an event for later sending.

If absolute is 0, the time of the event will be offset with the current tick of the sequencer. If absolute is different from 0, the time will assumed to be absolute (starting from the creation of the sequencer). MAKES A COPY

FLUIDSYNTH_API void fluid_sequencer_send_now fluid_sequencer_t   seq,
fluid_event_t   evt

Sending an event immediately.

FLUIDSYNTH_API void fluid_sequencer_set_time_scale fluid_sequencer_t   seq,
double    scale

Set the conversion from tick to absolute time.

scale should be expressed as ticks per second.

FLUIDSYNTH_API void fluid_sequencer_unregister_client fluid_sequencer_t   seq,
short    id

Unregister a previously registered client.

FLUIDSYNTH_API fluid_sequencer_t* new_fluid_sequencer void   

Allocate a new sequencer structure.

Generated on Thu Mar 13 19:09:35 2003 for libfluidsynth by doxygen1.2.15